Yes. And actually, the last I knew, he now had two. One is a carbon copy of Apollo's threaded. One is a more conventional bulletin board that uses IBB or whatever package that is that Vanessa's board uses.
I just couldn't figure out the linear. was the first place I ever went online, so I was figuring out everything at the same time.
I had been involved in chat rooms. so i was used to everything scrolling top to bottom not vice versa. i didn't know html either. janni taught me that too. janni really was like a protective mother to all of the kanies.
I'm lucky she didn't kill me
ha! my first foray was people talking of speed*s.
I'm lucky she didn't kill me.
There may have been a vote. Seriously, I remember you first posting at the linear board. Your comments were good. As to the technical stuff -- everybody makes errors at first.
And ge*. Oye.
Unfortunately, unless you were really going out of your way to avoid spoilers, it was pretty common knowledge at that point that Angel was in the early planning stages
Oddly, I don't recall knowing about the spin-off until sometime in Season 3. And I was a regular at the Bronze in 1998.
I definitely knew about the Angel spin-off when "Becoming" aired, because that's why I was so surprised by what happened. I think I was just lurking on usenet at the time.
And, er, this is maybe a little tacky, but I was given a "Liam/Angelus" doll (with ceremonial skull!) and I took pictures, and, well... I think they're funny. Or the last one is, anyway. Look, just humor me.
Dial-up folk, be advised that there are 5 (crappy, medium-sized) photos.
the last one is my favorite, Strega. it actually looks like DB dancing, which may or may not be an insult to DB.
Heh, thanks. I have to take more, because later I realized that you can raise the stand enough to hold him up above the ground (or table, whatever). He can fly!
Those were really funny. (Funny enough that I'm commenting on how funny they are twice.)
I'm sad that I lost all my action figure action shots in the great hard drive crash of '02, but honestly, none of them were that good.
Too funny. The skull is very fancy. The dancing, well, the dancing is always funny, isn't it?
Strega, that's too funny to look at, first thing in the morning.
the last one is my favorite, Strega. it actually looks like DB dancing, which may or may not be an insult to DB.
It really does.
I just read in yesterday's paper that Michelle Branch and her husband Teddy Landau (who is in her band) had their first child recently, a boy girl, and named him her Owen. The paper says she's 22. She's that young?
Oh, just found confirmation on E!online [link]