Pondering. It's pondering. (Well, most of the time, anyway.)
t /nit-picker
I watched way too much Pinky and the Brain when I was younger, though I think my they were better served in the shorter format on Animaniacs than when they had their own show. (At least I have fonder memories of the shorts than the full episodes, barring the medival episode which, while a full episiode, was before they got their own show.)
I wonder if you can still buy Pinky and the Brain shirts anywhere. All of mine have disolved from years of wash and wear.
Yes, Brain, but if they called them Sad Meals, nobody would want to buy them.
I still have my Acme Labs coffee mug. With the little toy shark still peering out of it. Though the little Pinky and Brain plastic figures seem to have disappeared.
I still have my Pinky and the Brain t-shirt. Nyah.
I really want Animaniacs DVDs.
I don't know why.
I think mostly for the theme song.
They sometimes run it on Nickelodeon, but they've frelled with the theme song. It's more than a little off-putting.
I really should finish my Pinky and the Brain/Dangermouse crossover fic for Windsparrow.
I still have my Pinky and the Brain t-shirt. Nyah.
I still have 2 or 3 of my original half-dozen but they're so full of holes they're barely even good as sleepwear now.
They sometimes run it on Nickelodeon, but they've frelled with the theme song. It's more than a little off-putting.
Yeah, I've caught the occaisional re-runs on Nick Toons, or whatever it's called and the messing around with the opening and they really obnoxious shorts they show during the "commercial breaks" sort of ruins the experience.
Pinky and the Brain/Dangermouse crossover fic
I don't want to overstate things, but this may be the most brilliant idea ever.
Now I'm trying to imagine a mash-up of their theme songs. Yowza.
Example exchange from my draft, where Penfold and Pinky sit off to the side while DM and Brain have a war of words.
Penfold: "So, what's it like to be the sidkick of evil, then?"
Pinky (Chortles): "Narf! Brain's not evil, he just wants us to take over the world."
Penfold: "Oh, does he now? Cor!"
Penfold (con'd), in re: argument: "Ooh! DM got a good one in there!"
I need to immerse myself in both shows again to get the whole thing "right."