I hated Deep Space Nine with a passion. I didn't make it past the first season (except for the Dax ep in which she utters the wondrous line, "She used to be my wife."). Avery Brooks, while v. pretty, is among the worst actors I've ever seen. His "acting" grated on my nerves so badly, I couldn't enjoy the show. The only characters I even really liked were Dax and the gooey dude (police officer?). The rest of them annoyed the living hell out of me.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Avery Brooks, while v. pretty, is among the worst actors I've ever seen.
Whoa, I can read each of the words individually as English, but together they make no sense.
I didn't make it past the first season
On a more serious note, season 1 was by far the weakest. The show didn't get really interesting until they started arc-ing it up a bit.
I don't even take much issue with Ezri. She should have been a he but as many chances as DS9 took, I think the implications of that would have been too much for them to deal with.
I hated Deep Space Nine with a passion.
Gloomcookie just made me cry.
Bashir-as-Bond was glorious.
"Kiss the girl, get the key. They didn't teach me that in the Obsidian Order."
Another unpopular opinion: LOVED Voyager.
Today, my favorite Buffy seasons are, in order of preference:
Two and Three swap with each other on occasion, as do Four and Five, with six mixing it up with them, every once in a while, usually because four has cut ahead of it. Sometimes, my Becoming love is so strong, I give season 2 top billing, just because of that (with a side of S/I, and IOHEfY). I don't care what Joss thinks about Surprise/Innocence (which I do love), or what the critics say about The Body, and Hush, or my own, extreme delight in OMWF, Becoming is the two finest hours of television anyone will ever make.
Episodes that still light my fire (in no particular order, after Becoming):
(I don't split the hours)
Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest
The Pack
Prophecy Girl
When She Was Bad
School Hard
Lie to Me
The Dark Age
I Only Have Eyes for You
All of Season 3, save Anne, which is also good
All of Season 4, save The Freshman and Living Conditions, which are good
Buffy vs. Dracula
You know what, I can't even do this. My top ten episodes would contain 50 titles. My top 100 would contain the whole gross. I just love the wonderful show with the silly name. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. I'm looking at the episode list, season by season at Buffyguide.com and, as you can probably tell from my list which wouldn't have ended, except that I stopped composing it, and I kept thinking, "Yep, gotta include that. Oh, and that. Oh and that one had the funny with the..." yeah.
A:ts hit me somewhere else--deeper, and darker. My love for it is different. But if I had to choose only one TV series to watch in my life, before the Powers that Be folded time, my last words before the clocks turned back would be, "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer."
But if I had to choose only one TV series to watch in my life, before the Powers that Be folded time, my last words before the clocks turned back would be, "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer."
Episodes that still light my fire
Yep. Note the earlyness of most of that list, key for me too.
my last words before the clocks turned back would be, "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.
Ditto. I'd like to have this board to talk about it, and watch-n-post, etc. The Bronze added so much to my already extreme enjoyment of the show.
Yep. Note the earlyness of most of that list, key for me too.
See, my list wouldn't have tapered until we got to season 7. And even then, I haven't rewatched that in total, so I don't know how I'd feel now. Fandom had such an effect on my opinions, and feelings about the show--arcs, episodes, seasons. And when I say fandom, I mean the good (here, and the old Bronze), the bad (fandom craziness), and the ugly ('it was just attempted sex'), that I don't know if I would have appreciated half of what I love, or have been bothered by half of what made me pull my hair out, if I'd watched this, without the internets.
Cindy made me tear up.
We should arrange Buffy watch-and-posts. Many many of us have the DVDs, I'm sure.