I agree, JZ. And yet, this is the first time I've been even tempted to purchase anything related to action figures. Well, that's not exactly true. I have a librarian action figure, but I got it at a silent auction, for charity.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Obviously, they will later market an addition that will contain the cage.
...and the circulation desk. IJS.
Speaking of librarians, I found a torrent of the Noah Wylie tv movie.
Obviously, they will later market an addition that will contain the cage.
...and the circulation desk. IJS.
ah, yes. the expanded library. And did anyone else notice that the bookshelves are facing the wrong way? or they don't have enough of them or something. there's something wrong there.
Speaking of librarians, I found a torrent of the Noah Wylie tv movie.
I liked that movie. If I'd seen it when I was a kid I might've become a librarian.
Edited for: typo.
I thought that TWoP's review of it was hilarious--she was going to give it a D+ (IIRC), but as soon as Bob Newhart started to KICK ASS, she gave it an A.
I liked it for the sheer goofiness, as well as the way that they made being A Librarian (in caps, of course) sound like the most prestigious job in the world. Wyle was very charming in his Indiana-Jones-lite mode.
The villainess who had the hots for our Librarian Hero was funny, too. It's so nice to see more entrants in the First Strike Librarian ranks.
Scott and I watched the half-hour unaired BtVS pilot last night, thanks to Hec, who lent me the tape. Years ago, I read jengod's recap (full spoilers: [link] I knew it was somewhat similar to WTtH, but had some differences, including the Wrong Willow.
What a kick--on so many levels--to see this, particularly after the series has completed its run. jengod couldn't have been more right about the WRONGness of Riff Regan, as Willow. Dear me, I hope she was just a place holder from the get-go, because words cannot express how wrong she was, although truth be told, there was a moment--a line, I think somewhere toward the end, where I realized I could totally see Riff-Wrong-Willow flaying someone. Maybe everyone.
I've got to re-read jen's recap, and see if she mentions whether or not Regan was actually cast and let-go, or just hired for the test pilot. Because, in case I didn't mention it, and in case everyone who's ever seen this hadn't thought of it already, Regan could not be more wrong in this role. She is expressionless. Her delivery is so flat I need a new word for flat, and she's not funny. And honestly, it can't all be her fault, because I think the role in WTTH, as played by Hannigan, was better written, as well.
In fact, that's something that went through my head the entire time I watched this: I don't know how Joss got the series on the air, based on this test pilot. I'm sure glad whomever saw whatever they saw in it. I also thought that if BtVS was like this in this phase of production, the crap shows that are on TV, must be unbelievably crappy.
NB, ASH, CC, and SMG are all acquit themeselves of their lines well enough, that every once in a while, I pretend I'm watching another Wishverse or SuperStar-type episode, where nobody realizes they've done almost all of this before, and that some evil demon has taken Willow, and replaced her with someone who can only fool them into thinking she's Willow by employing the darkest of magicks.
We see Harmony in the test pilot. I believe in the real Buffyverse, she doesn't appear as a Cordette until the second hour--The Harvest. We also see Jonathan, which was a nice treat. He was wearing glasses. Buffy gets in line behind him, to get into the Bronze.
The FX are pretty good (okay, mostly funny, but...) considering that I think the budget for a test pilot is approximately a grilled cheese sandwich and cup of tomato soup. There are no sound effects when a character vamps. But there are some physical stunts, and to approximate the dusting of a vampire, the actor lies down. The camera brings his chest wound into focus, and then we see what looks like it might be a sand sculpture. I know *nothing* about filming and recording, other than that cameras, lights, and film (or tape) are used. But I think they must have spliced in frames of the sand sculpture in various states of getting wrecked. It's pretty funny. Mostly, the vamps die off screen. But in the early days of broadcast BtVS, Bronzers knew how much it cost per dusting, and used to amuse themselves by tallying up the poof budget per episode. Joss had to be scarce with the poof FX in those days, because they cost too much money.
What a treat to finally see this. Just so great (okay, mostly because it's so bad, but still...)
In fact, that's something that went through my head the entire time I watched this: I don't know how Joss got the series on the air, based on this test pilot. I'm sure glad whomever saw whatever they saw in it. I also thought that if BtVS was like this in this phase of production, the crap shows that are on TV, must be unbelievably crappy.
Yes, exactly what I thought.