This was way slashier than Duet.
Dude, this made Duet look like an episode of (tries to think of something non-slashy, fails) something really normal. I don't understand HOW they can even expect us to possibly read McShep any other way, it was so obvious! My personal subtitle for this ep is "The episode wherein McShep becomes canon".
xposted from my lj:
I can't believe I hated this ep when I first saw it on Friday. OK, so I was working on my laptop at the time (doing actual work-related stuff, annoyingly), but mostly I just felt like it was crazy OOC of Rodney to be so insistent that he was right - especially because just last week in Condemned we saw him being all "I can't do it" and this week he's suddenly Mr. Stubborn McEgopants? Yes, that does pretty much describe the Rodney of much of S1, but given the Rodney TPTB have given us so far this season, I didn't buy it. So I was enraged and did not like the ep at all. But then I was thinking about it and reading the flist and ya know, it was pretty damn slashy. Plus, if it's true that the eps were shown out of order and this was supposed to come before Condemned, that would make a lot of my issues go away - character-wise it makes NO sense in the order in which it's been shown. So I watched it again. Jesus! It's like, how ELSE could they possibly expect us to be reading this? Rodney and John are just joined at the hip.
Cutest things in the entire world that occurred during this episode:
1) Rodney's laugh (laugh!) when Sheppard said how excited he was in the puddlejumper. (Yo, that sentence even sounds like porn.)
2) The smiles all around at the weapon info and "You see that? You see how he lights up?" They are SO DOING IT!
3) Zelenka's eyebrow-twitching at Shep. Zelenka was even more of an adorable bundle of cuteness than usual in this ep.
4) Shep's laugh (also !) when Rodney couldn't resist giving him a hint. The smiles he was giving him were all like, "I can't resist him when he's so into something - that's my Rodney".
5) The (many) fond, indulgent, private smiles of Shep's whenever Rodney was bragging, theorizing, or insisting.
6) The little cat-who-got-the-cream look on Rodney after he said, "I intend on always being right again". Killed me ded!
The beautiful angst of McKay - DH was playing it like a frickin' violin:
1) Rodney's voice breaking - both times it happened I wanted John to kiss the hurt away. And you could tell that he wanted to, too. (The LOOK on his face when Rodney said, "I am not sure that I can.." was too much!)
2) "Can I come in?" "No." The look on Rodney's face - gah! REALLY killed me ded.
Hotter than an exploding ancient weapon device in this episode:
1) Practically every single frame containing JF. Literally. I just sat there drooling and occasionally pressing Copy. I NEED new icons of hottius magnus.
2) Ditto for every single frame containing JM. Mmmmmmmmm, God, he is so unbelievably hot. How can Teyla resist Ronan? How? They need to write something in there about how she's taken a vow of celibacy or something because otherwise, I'm not buying it.
The tender, tender man-love of McShep:
If this were any other show, the episode would have ended with Teyla and Ronan overhearing Weir yelling at McKay. But they went the whole nine yards and showed us the McShep conversation - why? Because they are completely doing it.
re: SG1 - I was mostly bored to tears during it, but I will cop to laughing out loud when Crichton Mitchell said, "Earth minutes" with the finger quotes. Also the look Daniel gave him after that was priceless.