Watching SGA S2 01
Yay! Skinner saved John! And Rodney was all teary-eyed! And Ford is...not quite as pretty as he used to be. Nor as sweet tempered. But he DOES get a pair of Willy Wonka's fabulous shades, which is cool. And the Asgard is VERY pissy, but, thus far, Skinner's bitch. I like the Daedalus Science chick. Hope she doesn't die. the nuclear bomb idea, with the hiding and all. Except - surely it's a BAD thing to be at the epicentre of a nuclear explosion? Surely?
Poor Ford. A Good Kid gone bad just so that they can bring Ronon Dex (?) in to replace him on the team.
Which, actually, I can get right behind. Although I'm sorry for Rainbow, being judged lacking in hottitude - must feel almost like being a girl.
eta 02 02 - I think the Butler did it! Well, actually I think Hal did it, but Colonel Mustard would be fun. Nice of them to tell us how much time has passed since the previous ep - alas, poor Ford, how quickly you vanished.
Isn't Elizabeth lovely?
...Ooh dear. Simon's not going to go and play house in the Pegasus Galaxy. That's a nice touch from the writers.
John's disquiet wrt the Asgard - adorable. "Is he meant to be naked like that?" Bless.
Bwahahaha! "Crap indeed," says whatchamacallim the Asgard.
Oooh! This means I was right - it is Hal that's killing them off!
Aw! The wee ships are all personalised. Adorable. Wee duckies and photos and things. Bless.
Ooh! Ooh, I love how the Daedalus nearly got burned up by the sun, but didn't. Very classical.