( continues...)
I will admit that the prisoner leader dude was kind of ok. His role TOTALLY should have been played by Bruce Campbell though. He had some great lines that would have been delivered so much better by BC. Loved his psychological deconstruction of McKay. When he said the part about "you whine a lot about everything" the bf looked at me and started cracking up - because that's me in a nutshell too.
John's faith in Rodney was so, so cute. He definitely wants to get in Ronan's pants but McKay is still his secret boyfriend.
Finally, the best part of all: the classic sandwiches exchanges. Loved it! How McKay threw in the part about the sandwiches like it was supposed to be so casual and off the cuff, yet we all know how much both of them truly, madly, deeply love sandwiches, and Shep's all "Hells yeah I want a sandwich - you, me and Ronan" and McKay's all "if I must, but you know I really like my men skinny and snarkalicious with pointy ears like a wee sarcastic elf".
Did not care for UnctuousMrOfficialGuy, although new speakingBoyWraith was mildly interesting. Liked how his beard-hairs were twitching like antennae when he talked. Weir and Teyla were more or less extraneous this week. Eh, c'est la vie. I'm enjoying the menfolk even more than usual so I don't mind so much.
Ronan: HOT. And So. Totally. Anti-Teal'c. He dresses, talks and acts like a grungy and slightly rebellious American teenager, I love it! I forgot another great moment: Ronan eating the prisoner's food and Rodney being all "ew" and the Goldilocks joke. But then he's tempted by the "porridge" after all. Classic Rodney. But anyhoo, love Ronan's hair, he's like a great big pretty lion boy. And am intrigued by how he seems to *crave* military-style discipline from Shep. They are SO having BSDM sex in the very near future. Of course, I wasn't one of those people who hated him before he came on, because I never liked Ford that much anyway. Heresy, I know.
Still not watching BSG, so no comments there.
Well, damn. I'm sold. That sounds
...While trying to, ah, get ahold of episodes of Season 2, I wandered over to read the Stargate Blog.
Well there’s no fact checker, but all of us here at Stargate do believe we’re breaking new ground this week on Stargate Atlantis. In an effort to compete with Will & Grace, this week’s Atlantis episode, entitled “Duet” offers…
Wait for it!
Two men kissing. In space. Well, in the Pegasus Galaxy at least.
Now, some of the more die-hard fans may know that there’s long and storied history of male-to-male face-touching in Stargate SG-1, although it’s never gone as far as kissing. And there’s a simple reason for that: it’s gross. Just kidding. It’s not gross. It’s just not that commonplace on North American television. And considering the hub-bub it’s likely to cause, one wonders if it’s necessary.
Well, guess what? The writers weren’t sure either. Martin Gero – whiz-kid, writing machine, comic genius and confident heterosexual that he is – wrote the script, and the kiss was in the first draft from day one. But I can tell you that in a later draft, the kiss was notoriously missing. It took some lobbying and some discussion to get that kiss back in there. And guess what? It was the right decision, because it works. It’s a part of the story. It’s funny. It’s brave. And David Hewlett makes it work.
So I checked with Guinness World Records, thinking that the first male-to-male sci-fi screen kiss might be a record, but according to Guiness, “firsts” may or may not be recognized as records. For example, “First woman to reach the North Pole” is a record, but “First British woman to reach the North Pole” isn’t. So I assume the first time two guys locked lips on TV was a record, but my guess is that the folks at Guiness probably won’t differentiate between Sci-fi and other genres, the bastards. I’ll have to check with Martin to see if he wants me to pursue the application…
And what I'm wondering is - IS this the first boy/boy snog on US SciFi TV? Surely
must have gone there? Or on of the
Or, well,
One of the Treks? Ha. (No.) Female/female, yes. Riker/androgyne (played by woman), yes.
Farscape had that scene with the finger-licking.
Well, jolly good work, SGA. Carry on.
Quantum Leap?
Quantum Leap? Surely?
Not that I remember. I'd love to be corrected.
....there really should be more places where the sub text gets to dom for a bit.
...Hewlett is basing this on Jack Lemmon in
Some Like it Hot,
...Mother of GOD, tell me that this show inspired femmeslash. Please. Because between the Girls' Poker nights and that fabulously
Gone With The Winds
girl/girl kiss...
Also? Ronan (?sp?), with his man-of-few-words smouldery schtick? Every BIT as much fun as I'd hoped. Heh. It's good that they're not trying to make him do complicated acting stuff.
Watching the start of
The Condemned.
...Teyla really is QUITE the lucky girl, isn't she? With wall-to-wall hotness on her team. (Sorry, Ford! Wherever you are.) I trust there must be fic?
Okay, enjoying the totally pointless collars and sexy bondage goings on, but NOBODY warned me about Rodney's "What am I, McGyver?" quip.
I think my head just exploded with the meta.
I've compared Hewlett with Jack Lemmon before -- I find a lot of their acting schticks (and strengths) comparable. (Which would make Flanigan Matthau? Hmmmm.....)
Okay, enjoying the totally pointless collars and sexy bondage goings on, but NOBODY warned me about Rodney's "What am I, McGyver?" quip.
Oh, I'd forgotten that one! Totally cracked me up!
I think I forgot it in all the WTF of BSG.
Do we discuss 4400 here? Cos, next week Peter Coyote is back!!
Don't know if that is white-fontable, it's in the previews, but I want to err on the side of caution.
Starbuck was abused as a child!
To be fair they did mention this in an episode in S1.
Although the madly in love with Crap Sports Man was a bit of a "huh?"