msbelle, I find that fitday is really good about making me be more aware of what I'm actually eating, but really bad about having stuff I actually eat. This may be why I tend to use it for a couple weeks' reality-check and then drift away again.
I wish it would let you make custom foods by building up a recipe -- it's got a lot of basic ingredients in the database, so it should be possible, but it stops way short of actually useful.
Also, it keeps speaking to me of Puerto Rican food I can't get here.
The fact that this story hasn't gotten much attention grosses me out.
Here's a situation where a parent wants to make a decision to keep the baby alive, but because it's law that the Dr's can pull the plug.....
I just added something as a custom food for me because I was able to find nutrional info on it.
ooops - late for a meeting.
Can we talk about cats?
Are you talking about the Kentucky Wildcats, the Arizona Wildcats, or the Wisc. Milwaukee Panthers? Cause, win, lose, lose.
Only if the Illini win it all do I have a hope in hell of going anywhere with my bracket, but I heard an ex-player saying such jack-holey things on the news the other morning that I kind of want them to tank.
Thanks for the thoughts, folks.
I'll just note, without further comment, that UNC vs. NC State is a plausible Elite 8 match, with the winner going up against Duke.
Talk about rivalry moments!
It was snowing a minute ago. I am DISGUSTED with March.
Ah, Christ. BigBoss sent out an e-mail saying that we're to treat Friday like a normal work day, even though it's a paid holiday. That's far more explicit than the one he sent a couple days ago. Bah.
And now suddenly hammered with work.
I call for a do-over.