The reasons why that was a really, really stupid plan are far too numerous to go into.
Oh yeah, Jess, I almost posted about
what Shorei was thinking - that she could take out all of Marwan's men even if she could take Marwan out? How's that going to help. This may be stupider than "draw their fire our way" and yet no one at CTU batted an eye?
Well, I guess enough of Jack's stupid plans have worked before (at least for him - won't count any ancillary damage) that they just let him run with it now. My god, I just realized: Jack Bauer=John Crichton.
I don't have to be awake for another half hour, at least. I have no idea why I'm awake now. And yet, I am.
Good morning!
I just have to share this email I received from our publicity coordinator that went to everyone in the office. Yes, I am twelve.
On Sunday, March 20 - Infinity aired a
affairs show on the (program we run for middle and high school students).
tackle hugs Sophia
Long time no see missy! Yes, I am also 12.
Hey Sophia! That is classic. I always triple-check "public." Did you get my email last week?
Jesse- yes I did!
I thought I replied! Because that picture looked exactly like me, down to the hair-cut , glasses, odd-face shape, and clothing. People in real life that I showed it to thought it was me until I pointed out that it was taken in 1967.
public and organism-- good words to triple check.
like Hil, I am awake for no good reason. Silly body. I know it wiill want to sleep just before I have to leave for work
Someone gave me a great suggestion - delete words like pubic from your Word dictionary, so it will never substitute them and if they find their way into your document, it'll call them out.