This me. Mostly shoulders and elbows. I also have a bad habit of catching my work pager on doorframes and the like.
I have this weird thing where I catch the pockets of dress pants on the arms of work chairs or door handles. I don't get it either, but the pants-selling industry is happy.
I have this weird thing where I catch the pockets of dress pants on the arms of work chairs or door handles
Just dress pants? Are their pockets more sticky-outie?
I have this thing where I trail my non-kicking leg in jump spin kicks, but it's reasonably easy to disguise in everyday life.
Other than that, my klutziness (ER once every couple months) started to decrease dramatically when I finished puberty/started the martial arts. I don't think I've had another concussion since soon after ending university.
Just dress pants? Are their pockets more sticky-outie?
It happens to me, too, on my chair at work. Boy is it annoying. It happens with dress pants and khakis for me.
Just dress pants? Are their pockets more sticky-outie?
'Cuz the tops of the pockets tend to be cut at an angle, as opposed to horizontal for jeans and what-not.
You know that staple dry-cleaners use to attach their ticket to the internal tag of your coat? This fall I tore the ticket out of my coat but couldn't get at the staple without tools, so I left it. And two weeks ago took off my coat, but got my sweater stuck on the staple. Of all the weird clumsinesses.
There is nothing grosser than watching an adult blow snot-bombs on national television. Except knowing that said adult makes $25 million a year and does not have the manners of a third-grader.
I had a classmate in college who had been a ballet dancer, and she kept trying to show me things ballet dancers do, and I kept being like, "Why would you want your ankle to do that?" or "I don't think joints really work that way." I mean, I also spent an entire PBS Great Performances arguing over whether the tradition of hiding a ballerina's hips (with skirtage) necessarily means that hips aren't pretty and exciting to look at. I think I have just never wrapped my head around ballet, nor for that matter any of my other body parts, which are just as happy not being wrapped that way.
'Cuz the tops of the pockets tend to be cut at an angle, as opposed to horizontal for jeans and what-not.
The pockets of my jeans are cut on a curve, I think. The pair of pants I'm wearing now have the pockets on an angle. I can't visualise the horizontal, unless you mean horizontal and then upwards (to connect with the waistband).
Of all the weird clumsinesses.
I know someone who broke his ankle taking off his underware. so embarrassing for him.
unless you mean horizontal and then upwards
Oh yeah, the jeans I'm wearing now have that.
Some dress pants have the pocket top closer to vertical than horizontal. Also, I think dress pants have looser pockets, which maybe do stick out more.
It must be noted that Kalshane is football player sized and not built to door-scale
I appreciate the vote of confidence, but since there hasn't been a drastic change in my size or the size of doorframes in the last 10 years, one would think I'd have adapted by now.
I have this weird thing where I catch the pockets of dress pants on the arms of work chairs or door handles. I don't get it either, but the pants-selling industry is happy.
I've done this before. Happened once with a brand new pair of pants, too. Was not happy. I've also managed to catch the the opening on my sleaves just below the cuff on numerous objects, alternately ripping the shirt or sending the button flying.
I catch my backpack straps on door handles all the time, and the other day I caught my sweater on two different screws sticking out of two different walls.
But that was not my point in posting. Nilly! I just talked to someone on the phone named Nily! But she pronounced it like you do. Fun.