Other Hollywood Canadians: Sutherlands elder and younger, and Michael J. Fox.
MacNeil of MacNeil Lehrer
You know what is funny? Whenever I talk about that show, I call it "MacNeil Lehrer" despite the fact MacNeil has been off that show for like a decade. And nobody I talk to ever corrects me. It is like we all collectively wish Robin MacNeil back on the show.
(I think their backdrop still says MacNeil/Lehrer on it, but they are public television so cannot afford new sets. Actually, come to think, the real reason the old name persists may be how many people never knew which white guy was MacNeil and which was Lehrer.)
Other Hollywood Canadians: Sutherlands elder and younger, and Michael J. Fox.
Am I skimming too much, or has no one mentioned William Shatner yet?
Am I skimming too much, or has no one mentioned William Shatner yet?
There's a prize for the first SHATNER! mention ...
ita, my Intermediate!Boss has a 10-year-old daughter who takes karate, and is apparently very good at it. She passed her blue belt test yesterday, which included, among other things, doing 20 knuckle push-ups, and rounds of sparring. Her last sparring partner was a boy who she made cry in the middle of the bout.
This made my allergies act up. I think, as the mother not only of a daughter, but two sons as well, that's probably wrong. But still...
You start listing them now, you won't be done until forever -- Alan Thicke, Raymond Burr, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey ...
-t, had you only told us in Bitches? I didn't realize you weren't out.
Crap, did I spill the beans? If I did, I'm sorry.
You start listing them now, you won't be done until forever -- Alan Thicke, Raymond Burr, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey ...
Mike Myers, Dan Aykroyd, Lorne Michaels, Graham Greene, Lorne Greene. It's like a Six Degrees game with a big chunk of media/Hollywood.
I sense a theme...
It's all a big scam! There's just one uber-Canadian out to rule us all!
Both Tilly sisters grew up in BC. (Texada Island, in fact.)
I think they may have been US born, but they were Canada raised.