with the extra-special warm fuzzy feeling that came from discovering the occasional Hollywood Jewish Canadian.
Hey Sam Goldwyn was Samuel Goldfish from New Brunswick.
There's Jennings, and ...
Graydon Carter, Bonnie Fuller, MacNeil of MacNeil Lehrer, "John Roberts", Cojo, The guy who does The Connection now, and dude who was on GMA for a while...
I got the apartment, if I can just get the lease signed ahead of my competitors.
-t, yay on the fetus milestone!
It's really weird to think I'm in the homestretch of this baby-making thing.
Also, it's really warm today. It's been really warm each afternoon (while still frosty in the mornings). Can whoever's bogarting the winter please give some back to us? Thanks!
I got the apartment, if I can just get the lease signed ahead of my competitors.
Whoot whoot. Housewarming at ita's!
I shall bring a plant.
Crossing my fingers on the lease signing, ita.
Thanks, Plei! I think we have some of your rain. I don't want it, feel free to pick itup at your convenience.
Housewarming at ita's!
Should be in November, if I'm on the same schedule as for
Now I need to fax in my notice on this apartment. I could get my ass to Kinko's, or I could wait till tomorrow at work and do it for free. Must go calculate cost of a day's rent, and balance it against the solidity of my head.
Dude, email me or someone the text and we can fax it in for you. No need to pay Kinko's crazy high rates.
Congratulations, -t! Soon the Buffista sprog will be ruling the universe.
Woo hoo, ita! I have no fear that you will be able to get that lease signed before anyone else. You've got skillz.
Can whoever's bogarting the winter please give some back to us? Thanks!
You're more than welcome to the slush and snow that currently blankets DC. I'm ready for spring.
Totally, ita. I can fax for you.
Yay ita!
Should be in November, if I'm on the same schedule as for this apartment.
But no.
Or maybe yes, since I could just come down for it.