Ahh. Stamos and Jesus's sitcom. I must be in natter.
The OC was the one bright spot in the past 72 hours. I caught something nasty nasty Wednesday after I'd left work to do some work from home. I ended up on the couch with aches and cough and fever. Had to get up at 5:30 the next morning to finish the project, and ended up calling in for 2 more hours so that I could rest. Made it all the way through work yesterday, thinking I'd go home and sleep until this morning.
Now, usually I love my neighborhood and the bars being just up the street, and the general friendly fun feeling of the whole place. But, last night was St. Patrick's and there was yelling and screaming until 3am. Which, normally, fine, I'll just set my alarm for 9 and throw on clothes and make it in to work by 10. But they're building one of those crap mini mansions next door, so I woke up at 7:30 to boards being dropped, nails being nailed, trash being hauled, and really really bad singing in Spanish.
Also, someone parked in front of our driveway last night and left their car, so I was late leaving because we had to have it towed.
I'm exhausted, sick, thought I was getting stomach cramps but no...It seems the kicker today is that I've started my period. I would like a cave, a bottle of scotch, my shuffle and a bed.
Aaaaaand now in my crankiness and self-pity, I have murdered natter.
Aw, poor cranky Heather. At least it's Friday?
You know what people should not do? They should not call me at work at 11:30 on Friday to tell me that they've just finished a big breakfast and are now heading home to nap.
True. Someone wants me to do happy hour this afternoon. I'm debating.
Also, this really isn't big enough for Beep Me or what have you, but adding to the crank is that it's my friend's wedding anniversary today. She's having a really rough time with her husband (who I think is a total ass-skank-sleaze-dick, but not my marriage) and she's trying to work it out since she's pregnant. A little ~ma that everything turns out for the best for her and the kid would be good. I haven't been able to talk to her today.
Oof. Good luck to your friend, Heather.
Oy, Heather, at least this week of hell is almost over. ~ma for your friend, and I hope you feel better.
The Grammy performance of Cry Baby/Peice of My Heart by Joss Stone and Melissa Etheridge is now available on iTunes with all proceeds going to City of Hope and The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. It is currently the top seller on iTunes. How cool is that?
I bought it! I'm kinda not too sorry I missed seeing the telecast of this, because bald Melissa looks way too much like a friend of ours and the stills are wigging me out. There's an amazing bootleg floating around of Melissa covering "Piece of My Heart" way back in her chick bar days. She's been dying to play Janis Joplin 4EVAH.
Perkins, congrats on your last day at work! And thanks again for the camping stuff - they're on their way to snowcamp on a friend's back today.
From tommy's inexplicable science link:
A recent analysis of the only known natural nuclear reactor, which was active nearly 2 billion years ago at what is now Oklo in Gabon, also suggests something about light's interaction with matter has changed.
There was a natural nuclear reactor on earth? I thought that only happened on the sun. This is as boggling as accidentally making a black hole in your lab. I suspect scientists are just making shit up.
I'm going to snag that when I get home. Might actually make me feel better. Charlie (the iPod shuffle) is on the fritz though, and I think I may have to reinstall his software.