I like the armoire with the cat finial. The cat comes with it, right?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Plei. 39 weeks sounds pretty good. Did I tell you guys about touring the hospital here? It was surreal. First, it's orange. Violently in-your-face orange and chrome and wood panelling, very early 70s. Second, the front steps (which are slick marble with no handrails, nice when you can't see your feet to waddle up them) are full of pregnant women smoking. Third, it's just packed. It's like a day-after-Christmas sale every time, having to shove through people. The tour was in Greek, which I mostly followed, but I still don't speak very much (thank heaven "epidural" is a Greek word), so whenever I asked a question I got a "OMG! A talking horse!" reaction. But the actual midwives and doctors are cool, and mostly speak English.
I was having major first-world guilt though - because my insurance pays for a private room for me, I'll be staying in a luxury two-room suite on the top floor, where only politicians and shipping magnates usually stay (mini-bar with scotch, even). The other girls on the tour with me will be staying in rooms that have three beds per. I kind of wish they hadn't taken all of us to see everybody's room.
That does sound surreal, Raquel.
I just realized I haven't seen recent pictures of Raquel, Plei, -t and Stephanie. Want.
Oooh, a nearly night shift...
Sometimes living here is like playing a text adventure game - every problem solved unlocks two new quests.
I love this phrasing. Sorry about the having to press X, Triangle, Up, X to get the interbunny though.
Darn you Plei!
I think I need the round clock here: [link]
Can't afford it, but gah: [link]
While Perkins is looking at things to furnish her house, I'm looking for a house. I think this one should do: [link]
Oooh, nice.
I need to sleep, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.
I missed an entire day around here, but if I go back to read, I'll never catch up.
I just realized I haven't seen recent pictures of Raquel, Plei, -t and Stephanie. Want.
Here are some pictures of me and my ever growing belly, although it's time to take a new one. 3rd trimester today - it's nice to be making progress but I already feel like I waddle a bit.
My friend for Colorado is visiting me until Friday. She is not a parent - it is so much fun to talk to her about my own ideas/concerns without getting the "I know better" attitude I get from so many parents. (Not that I've ever gotten that here.)
CO friend got me to watch TAR last night for the first time. It looked like a lot of fun and
I love how so many of the teams are all about beating Rob & Amber. It makes me just love Rob more, even if he is smug.
I think I may be hooked.
It is like a baby fiesta around here this spring.
I think the experience of pregnancy and birth in Greece as a newly-arrived, not much Greek-speaking person is a sure subject for a hilarious essay. Raquel should pull all these posts together and get famous.
Remind me never
play poker with Boston Rob, K? He knows how to fold his hand to his advantage, seriously.
Timelies! I have a crochet class tonight after work!