Well, with the two dogs, it's kind of like having two kids already. And we want to sprog again. Plus, we're constantly doing upgrades/fixes to the house (they guys at Lowes know us by our first names)
Well then, yeah, a Minivan is fantastic for that.
I was going to say. Headspinny change of topic, anyone??
Not that minivans are offtopic here. And at least they are not SUVs.
I felt guilty about buying an SUV last week - for about an hour. I totally love my new car (Honda Pilot).
actually all the better, the suggestion of beastiality joking or not was like a gold embossed invitation for a topic change.
the suggestion of beastiality joking or not was like a gold embossed invitation for a topic change.
Oh, come on. How long have you been here? Bestiality is just a speed bump on the Topic Highway.
I'd kind of like to get a station wagon if and when we're able to replace the Civic.
I'm not exactly looking forward to dealing with a carseat in a 2-door, but we'll have to for at least the first year or so. Or longer, depending on our finances. Right now, I'm slightly more concerned with getting the house fixed up enough to sell in two or three years than I am with having a larger car. (Partly because the car thing will be less of an issue when we move closer in.)
Dana, you know me. I am over here in prude corner giving the fisheye to off-color stuff since 1999. and knowing something is a joke is one thing - not knowing is squicky.
I'm not exactly looking forward to dealing with a carseat in a 2-door.
I have a dinky 2-door Honda Civic, and I don't find strapping kids into the childseats to be all that bad. OTOH, I never had to deal with an infant bucket with the 2-door. Getting that through the door and behind the seat could be tricky.
I felt guilty about buying an SUV last week - for about an hour.
Don't. At least in the Ford family, minivan vs suv or full van vs suv results in very little difference in gas mileage. Not sure about imports. If I were to get an Explorer over a Windstar or Freestar, it would be about the same.
Well, in South Florida, we have a lot of rich or exclusive private schools, and nearly all are corrupted. Be it Native American, High Society, High Intellectuals, Catholic, Jewish, or Gay. The Christian Schools, are notorious for have the children with a mindset that parents mind see as the perfect child.
I know this because I'm a Critic for South Florida's drama programs. You meet a lot of kids, see a lot of Musicals, hate a lot of nine year olds.