If I have to actually cover material that my kid is getting wrong in school, I've started homeschooling, but not taken it all the way. There's a breaking point somewhere along that continuum, and one that depends on the parents' ability and desire.
Well, my experience (which yours may contradict) is that you're fairly involved with your child's education anyway. God knows, I don't just stick to Emmett's school's curriculum when he's doing his Daily Edit, or working on a writing assignment. So the breaking point along the continuum might be some misguided notions about evolution. But that's distinct from saying you've started homeschooling because you're adding to/or amending what your kid gets from school.
Thanks for the clarification, Gud. Still, bet it's not fun to be a bio major from small-town Kansas, this past decade.
Aww, Nutty, White Flight is still the guiding reality of many public schools. It pretty much defines the urban schoolscape.
But, like, white flight from schools, or white flight from whole neighborhoods and cities? Pulling your kids out of a school is denying your everyday neighborhood reality; zipping yourself into the white/affluent suburban cocoon is making a new reality. While I don't approve of either, the former is a sillier position to take.
Well, my experience (which yours may contradict) is that you're fairly involved with your child's education anyway.
I don't actually have kids.
ita, I took Hec's "you're" as "parents are..."--a general you, not you, specifically.
I took Hec's "you're" as "parents are..."--a general you, not you, specifically.
Oh. I was misled by him quoting me just above.
not that you know of.
I know my evil twin has kids, but I'm not fucking homeschooling those harpies.
There's a big article in the Washington Post (reg. req'd) on "The Battle of Teaching Evolution Sharpens." Scary stuff.
But, like, white flight from schools, or white flight from whole neighborhoods and cities? Pulling your kids out of a school is denying your everyday neighborhood reality; zipping yourself into the white/affluent suburban cocoon is making a new reality. While I don't approve of either, the former is a sillier position to take.
In San Francisco, white kids
to go into private schools. The exceptions are in the more affluent neighborhoods which have much better public schools. Which tend to be where the richer white folks live. Consequently there's a Diversity Index which favors non-white kids getting into the better schools. Which tends to drive more of the white kids into the private schools. It's a lovely cycle. Also complicated in San Francisco by the large Asian population which is very invested in high quality public schools, and also community involvement in
schools. So they are anti moving kids around to various schools. Which is contrary to the interests of the black families in the poorest part of town who have terrible schools. They want to get into the good schools in other neighborhoods. Currently all SF school placements are driven by lottery and diversity index, with very little weighting towards neighborhood schools. Which the asian community is trying to change.
People move to a little pocket city such as the one which contains Emmett's school district and commute into the city to work.