I sometimes marvel at the fact that as I recall my K-12 years in school, I NEVER had what I would call a "bad" teacher. I never even had a teacher I had a personality conflict with. They were all competent, wonderfully engaged people whom I can easily recall with great fondness.
But then, I may have just been really easy to teach. I dunno.
cancel them NOW Trudy!
Oh yeah. As soon as they knock that fifty bucks off my bill they're getting the boot.
Not all parents who homeschool do it because they're in a craxy religious group. Sometimes public schools SUCK and are actively dangerous, and private school is cost-prohibitive.
I would much rather homeschool any theoretical children of mine than put them in some of the Cincinnati Public Schools. NFW, man.
That said, if I were to homeschool, I'd only do it as part of a group, where the kids were with other kids and therefore socialized and not freaky.
I am ALL in favor of public education, but I wouldn't put my kid in a bad school just to prove how much I'm in favor of it. No way.
I've known a handful of home-schooled kids, each for a different reason.
One was pulled out of a lousy school in second grade and homeschooled for a year while his dad was in gradschool.
One was a high school student with parents who lived in different states and it was the simplest way to manage joint custody (and she was a bit of a wild child, I suspect they may have been fending off dropping out as well)
One is Amy P's son who's private HS fell apart and she was unhappy with the defacto religious public schools in Salt Lake.
I just got an invitation to a wedding in the post. The wedding of a friend of mine from school. I think I'm hyperventilating. Why?! Why is she getting married?! She's twenty-one for Christ's sake!
I'll be rocking back and forth in the corner, forcing my brain into denial if anyone needs me.
That's right, Lizard too. She took a number of college courses in home-school high-school, didn't she?
Oh, on the freaky religious front, the parents of the McCaughey septuplets opted to send their seven little butts to school unlike they'd originally planed.
Good call.
She took a number of college courses in home-school high-school, didn't she?
Yes, b/c she's wicked smahhhht.
I saw this on sale for $180 off the list price. Want for my kids. I haven't thought of a justification yet though.