For the brides-to-be, just be thankful that you aren't like this poor lass, who wrote Dear Abby with her dilemma:
DEAR ABBY: I just became engaged to my boyfriend of two years. We plan to be married in October. My boyfriend and I have agreed to have an old-fashioned church wedding and, of course, a white wedding dress. But our wedding will be in October and Labor Day is in September, and I never wear white after Labor Day.
My boyfriend insists I should wear white. He says there is an exception to every rule, but I disagree, and we don't want to change our wedding date. Can you tell me what to do? -- BRIDE WITH NO DRESS IN ILLINOIS
OMG, Steph, that's freaking hilarious.
I feel like it has to be a joke -- I mean, not Dear Abby's joke, but that the person who wrote it *had* to be kidding. Even people who are scrupulous about no white after Labor Day know that wedding dresses are an exception.
Yeah, they've got to be pulling poor Abby's leg. What did she say back?
I was hoping that Abby would say "Get a clue, dumbass," but she said:
DEAR BRIDE: Please do not be concerned about breaking a fashion rule. A white wedding dress signifies that it is the bride's first marriage. Because you have not been married before, you may wear a white bridal gown regardless of what time of year your wedding is held. The sales people at your local bridal shop will be happy to guide you in making your selection.
Dear Abby would never call someone dumbass.
A white wedding dress signifies that it is the bride's first marriage.
Ha ha. White symbolizes virginity.
OK, now I'm seriously considering going wedding dress shopping. Just for fun. Hee!
Dear Abby would never call someone dumbass.
I know, but I was hoping.
Hmmm, Sunday morning. What better time for a post on international currency issues....
Why the declining dollar matters: [link]
This is the current cover story in
Nice to see the mainstream press dealing with it. But one odd thing about the article is that it focuses almost entirely on the US trade deficit, and makes little mention on the role that our skyrocketing budget deficit plays in the decline of the dollar. I was under the impression that they played a roughly equal role. Am I wrong, or does
not want to blame the Bush administration for its share of the problem?
I don't really expect an answer to that on a Sunday morning, because Sunday morning is traditionally the Time When the Actuaries Sleep....
The serial killer thing has already aired.
I'm 40 minutes into this, and so far he's a love god, with many power-lust shots, but not that much to actually do.
I'm seriously considering going wedding dress shopping
Me too! Except I already designed mine, lo these 20 years ago. There's been no impetus to actually update it, what with the lack of a him.