It can be a crapshoot. Devi had such an attitude, I was pretty sure she wouldn't be welcoming of an adult cat. I was right! However, I'm pretty sure Mister Kitty would like whoever (he still tries to make nice to Dev.) So someday, I will get them a kitten. But not in this apartment. I don't have room for any more litterboxes. Or cats.
Time to go rescue the last load. Then maybe hair.
I wish to be entertained.
YAY, RIO IS HERE and doing a dance!
I am here, and JZ is here but she is reading, and Hec is here, but he is fast asleep because he is sick.
I am jealous of all three of you. Except for Hec, being sick. Is it a cold?
No, he has either food poisoning or a stomach bug.
Health~ma to Hec, poor dear.
RIO! Check out Bitches. I think I found my dress.
Lee! How goes the packing?
No sickness. I decree it.
<waits for the Ohio 'istas to chime in>