Yay Fred!!!
I also ate at Panera today - the new one downtown. The one that is so insanely busy that the cashier could barely hear what I was saying, so I ended up getting a chicken Caesar sandwich instead of a salad. Thankfully, though? There were no girls ending every sentence with a question? Because I may have had to kill them?
fred, can other people donate?
I don't see why not. You'll be at the DC F2F next week, correct? -- I can collect then and bring in the following Monday.
Oo, has my visit escalated to F2F level? How exciting!
Also, I am now missing the question girls. The lady who replaced them is having a VERY LOUD cell phone conversation about her friend's sex life of whom, evidently, she doesn't approve.
ETA: Aaaaand, now I know all about her shrink and her sleeping pills and how she is in a pissy mood and...not that I don't sympathize, but do I really need to know about this?
Aaaaand, now I know all about her shrink and her sleeping pills and how she is in a pissy mood and...not that I don't sympathize, but do I really need to know about this?
You should start offering advice to her. Loudly.
Kristin, view it as all being material for yoour novel.
I never get to do good eavesdropping lately.
Oo, has my visit escalated to F2F level? How exciting!
well, you'll be here. And you have a face. And we have faces, soooooo . . .
Looks like Fossett landed back in Salina, KS--record set!
Was this a while ago, or is Whistler actually younger than I am?
The TWOP boards are all outraged that the producers planted that guy who helped out Rob and Ambah during last week's episode. (The evidence for this seems to consist primarily of "it was so obvious!" ) Have these people never seen Quiz Show? Or heard the word fraud? Or is it me who's missing something here?