I've never had Moxie, but I sure do have moxie. I keep it next to my spunkiness.
Gosh darn it.
Hee. I think when I said I have had Moxie, I used just the right tense. I don't know if I will ever have it again, upper-case or not.
please kill me now
Like really?
Kristin, start humming the theme song from Sanford and Son. I find that it drowns most everything out.
The girls at the table next to me? Need to stop saying every sentence? As if it's a question? You know? Or at the least? Need to stop asking their statements less loudly?
I have a piar of fraternal twin cousins? (Just the two of them? Not two pairs?) Who are now in their MID-twenties? Who still talk like that? I'm starting to thing that it's never going to go away?
Phew. They're leaving. Sanford and Son intervention averted.
Quick followup on yesterday's make-up conversation.
Make-up bought and donated. I went with powder of several colors and styles, and a couple tubes of black-brown mascara.
Thanks for the advice!
Fred, if I haven't told you yet, I think that what you're doing is wonderful.
I skipped, I confess. What good thing is Fred doing? That involves makeup? Oh, now you've got me doing it, damnit.
And now? Between this conversation and
last night? I'm having a total Party of 5 flashback, to an episode when Charlie-who-has-since-become-Doctor-Jack had to go to his baby brother's school and the student teacher was doing that, and he completely flipped his shit out and started yelling at her to STOP TALKING LIKE THAT YOU'RE A DAMN TEACHER DAMMIT, at which she flipped her own shit right out right back and snarled that it was a verbal tic that she and her speech pathologist were working on and why did he have to be such an asshole about it?
Which has practically nothing to do with either Lost or this conversation, but I'm hitting "Post" anyway just for the sake of the random.
giggling at Bev talking in questions
And it's not the fun kind of "Questions", either, i.e.
R&G Are Dead.
I'm hitting "Post" anyway just for the sake of the random.
I've skipped hundreds of posts, and this was the line I got to. I think it's very fitting. Um, hi, everybody!
So this was my post-of-the-day. Let's see if I'll be able to atually participate in some sort of conversation.