My nursing breasts were the opposite of Aimee's. After all the work they put in, they pretty much wanted nothing but the most royal of care. Hrm, that will be happening again soon, won't it?
DH just bought the bestest bottle brushes. Can't recall who makes them, but they clean the bottle AND the nipple, and they don't scratch it. And they were cheap, too.
Okay, I may be weird, but it never occurred to me that Tim would live in a place with a security gate.
Speaking of slashy, HMOG, how porntastic was it on Alias tonight when
Sark said to Vaughn, (regarding him, Vaughn and Lauren) "IPerhaps all that I can hope for is a moment for us all to share -- you, me, her. And letting go all pretext and the subterfuge, finally admit the truth."
Did any one else go to a dark, porny place? I've replayed it on my TiVo several times. Of course, it's kind of creepy if you think about the fact that
he's referring to a dead woman,
but I choose to overlook that.
ok - so i don't watch LOST as it airs - or even ASAP after it airs -- but TIVO decied not to change the channel today... Ha! I aught it after only 15 minutes,
beth, did it start at a weird time? that happened to me last week when I taped something with a higher priority than Alias that started at 10, and alias ended at 10:01 or some nonsense.
So after weeks and weeks of searching hi and lo, in and out I finally landed a job interview tomorrow. Which was a nice pick-me-up when Teach for America turned me down yesterday.
Vortex, I don't think so - because it just stayed on the channel it taped earlier - and the minute I stopped it , TIVO went to the proper channel. used to happen a lot in my old house, not so much here.
Damn, sorry to hear about the TforA thing, Thomash.
On West Wing tonight.....
So that's how America winds up
Alias is funny.
Did Syd bite a hole through Sark's lip, and squeeze lime on it