I worked at a Lancome counter for a while, and there were some true scary chicks who worked in that department. There was one woman who trowled on makeup over her leathery tan skin. It was horrifying. I mean, she just piled it on -- loads of wrong color base, enough powder to pile in her pores, dark obvious lipliner and Morticia Addams lipstick, crunchy high hair.
And she'd been there for like, 8 years.
She scared me.
OTOH, I have a couple of friends who work for Bobbi Brown and Clarins, and they are funfunfun people to play with makeup with, who just make to help people be pretty and feel good and look good.
And dude, free samples! Always good.
For the most part, the MAC women scare me, but the MAC guys are sooper nice.
He's happy and excited and nervous and worried and proud.
We should get the jaws-of-life and pry him out of the house for supper, soon.
Yep. Warn him that we just might do that...if we can get past the gate.
We can stand outside and make funny faces at the security camera and tell all the rich people coming out of the gate that we're friends of Tim until he either lets us in or calls the cops.
Or we can dig tunnels, like in the movies.
I have a spoon.
Awesome! I figured he would have to come out for smokes sometime and we could carjack him at that point.
Between the pumping and the nursing, I sometimes wonder if anything can harm them anymore.
At my baby shower, someone gave me bottles, and a nipple brush. I was planning on nursing, and dh was well aware of this. He thought the little wire nipple brush was for
He said it took him a couple of days to figure out if he wanted to know if I had to use it on myself, if the answer was yes.