I sing the dog coat electric! Fido and the amazing electrified dream coat!
Electric dog coats may offer protection for pets
Wolves in Finland with a taste for domestic canines in for a shock
HELSINKI - Finnish wolves with a taste for domestic dogs could be in for a shock as an electrified dog-coat could soon be on sale in Helsinki shops.
The dog-coat sends 1,000 volts of electricity through a predatory wolf when it bites into the outer layer, but is designed to ensure the pampered pet feels no pain from the jolt.
I had to write up a PO for "Steel Brushed Nuts" today.
You two don't even have nuts for the steel brush.
Call me back when you order steel brushed nipples.
Please keep the steel brushes away from my nuts.
I sure hope Alibelle went to get lunch. I had to go teach at 1.
You forget, I'm NURSING.
So...they are currently harder than steel lug nuts, or your perfect child has a tongue like a steel brush? Where ya going with this?
To Entertain Allyson (nabbed from BRQG):
NovaChild: If there's a nattery topic being nattered, of course people will natter in the thread in which the natter is being nattered, despite the existence of the more appropriate Natter.
Tim Minear: There's nothing the matter with natter in this thread or Natter, though the latter for natter is designed for the matter of natter, while any mad hatter might rather natter in the former.