I plan to buy some makeup to contribute to the drive. However, about all I know about makeup for women is that Too Much Is Not Good. Any advice on purchases?
I would say things like foundation and powder in a variety of shades, lipstick in non-garish colors.
Depending on how much you're buying, I'd try to get foundation in colors for both light and dark skinned women.
Very neat idea, by the way.
I'd love the ala cart cable option. I would love it if I could just pay for 20 out of my 200+ non-network channels. Even if they charged me a buck a channel, I'd still save money.
I'd pony up for: Food TV, SciFi, Comedy Central (for TDS), Discovery's Home and Garden network (for the Designer Guys/Design Rivals), BBC America, Newsworld International, the History Channel, TBS, USA, the Travel station, the Weather channel, Animal Planet, Bravo (if only I could get it), and HGTV. Probably a few others. But there are loads I not only don't watch but actively dislike.
And I deeply resent this whole "for the children" attempt to censor the cable stations. I didn't drag myself out of childhood by the skin of my teeth just to watch the freakin' Waltons 24-7. Most of the country is over 18 and should damn well get to watch whever they want.
Why don't we just sedate all children into comas so they never have to be exposed to any of the shocking or risque things that go on in the real world?
I have a Modest Proposal that might solve this problem....
Why don't we just sedate all children into comas so they never have to be exposed to any of the shocking or risque things that go on in the real world?
It would make grocery shopping a much more quiet experience. Although I would miss making goofy faces at toddlers in the checkout line.
Cindy -- See, iffn only you let Christopher roam free through the neighborhood, he'd leave your TiVo alone.
I know, I know. But the cops complain when they have to pick him up. He goes on and on about getting a Slurpee.
Fred, that's great. What the others saida about nothing too garish or glittery. Black mascara, cover-up/concealer, a neutral sort of lipstick (not too red, not too orange or pink) are basics.
My women's Bible study collected the same sort of packages for a shelter which was starting a back-to-work program. When we asked what they wanted, they wanted toiletries--shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturizer, deodorant; panty hose (black or nude), and I'm trying to remember what else. If you're having trouble choosing make up when you get to the store, I bet those items would be nice to have, too. They add up fast, and can't be purchased with food stamps.
Ooh, get the Cover Girl mascara in the pink tube. Brown and black.
And I deeply resent this whole "for the children" attempt to censor the cable stations. I didn't drag myself out of childhood by the skin of my teeth just to watch the freakin' Waltons 24-7. Most of the country is over 18 and should damn well get to watch whever they want.
For the record, I do, too. My wishing for general audience programming was directed at some genius who could make it appealing, not to some asshat who is writing a bill. You can't really just sit down at 8pm and watch non-animated shows with elementary school kids any longer--or at least, I can't.
Fred is me. As it's my sister's birthday on Friday, I went to the city centre today to buy her present. I
I was being very clever, as I actually remembered that a few weeks ago she'd mentioned that she desperately needed new makeup brushes. Ordinarily I just panic the on the day and buy her a cd, but today I put some
into it. However, as I've never worn makeup myself, I was unaware of exactly how complex the world of application brushes was. All I wanted was to get a nice, thoughtful gift for my sister, instead I got a lecture on the differences between blending brushes and angled application brushes and straight-edged brow brushes and why in the hell do all these things cost about thirty euro each?! Why?!
In the end I caved to the inevitable and got her a voucher.
Fred, I feel for you. I really, really do.