Slogan: The potentate of totin' freight.
My brother and I have always loved that slogan.
Evil. Evil. Evil. I will spare you the full blown story but suffice it to say, they held my aunt and uncle's stuff hostage for a few days, completely messed up their move, damaged their stuff, and then ended up charging them extra money.
Actually, I've heard that this sort of thing is pretty common. Definitely do lots of research.
Definitely do lots of research.
Hell, yes. That's what I'm working on today. I already know to get a
written and binding
estimate, and to go through a mover that's listed with the (memfault) association.
I've already downloaded a couple of consumer guides about the whole process.
The killer was, they did lots of research on every company but the one they chose. And they had just moved (within the state) the year prior, and had been happy with the mover, but thought their quote for the new job was high.
With the extra the Evil Movers tacked on, they cost exactly what the tried-and-tested movers quoted. I felt so sorry for them. They're in the 70s. My aunt is meticulous about her stuff (I mean to the point where you're afraid to eat in her house, because you might drop a crumb), but the mover marked the stuff they damaged as if it had been damaged when they picked it up. Just a horror show. When my aunt called the BBB and the Attorney Gen'ls office, they knew what firm she was talking about, right away.
The firm they did like before (but I don't know if it is nationwide) is Gentle Giant.
three anonymous contributors from the commercial spaceflight industry have stepped forward with a $3 million pledge toward the campaign to ensure a fifth season for the recently cancelled Star Trek: Enterprise.
I think Joss and Tim need more millionaire fans.
a $3 million pledge toward the campaign to ensure a fifth season for the recently cancelled Star Trek: Enterprise.
It'd be different, I'm sure, if I liked Enterprise more, but I worry that this just won't end well. It might end well enough for Enterprise (or not end), but it's a wacky precedent.
Privately funded broadcast television. That seems not right.
There is a weird-ass precedent, but I think the fact that it's Star Trek may help make an argument for a special case. I can't think of another show that fills the same geeky hopes-and-dreams headspace.
eta: Ooooh, pretty number
Privately funded broadcast television. That seems not right.
Yeah. We'll end up with a bunch of shows that millionaires like.
Speaking of millionaires, "millionaire adventurer" Steve Fosset's flight may be in trouble. Currently, back-up sensors to the fuel gauges are showing his plane has 2,600 lbs of fuel less than expected (which is a big chunk of the total fuel). They think it's also possible the wrongness of the gauges resulted in 2,600 lbs of fuel not being loaded when the plane was fueled. He may stop in Hawaii. [link]
Remember how that bold magigian int he smurfs was going "I *hate* smurfs!"? Right now I'm him (minus the bold and the cat): "I *hate* computers!". In Hebrew, it even rhymes
This is my favorite image of Nilly EVER.
And what I hear about long-distance movers is that it will cost double the estimate, and take a couple more days than they say. The BAD movers cost even more, and take even longer.
I can't help it, I'm adoring Rob and Amber
ME TOO! They were making me laugh the whole time. And whoever it was that
described Rob as a complete idiot must not have watched that Survivor.
He may not be
the brightest bulb in the box, but he's not a complete idiot, either.
I was really sad
to see the hick friends go. They were entertaining as hell too.
Even Phil seemed really bummed to have to let them go.