Hec, I'd be disappointed to think there wasn't stuff about hobbit porn out there. What else is the internet for? In the meanwhile, Official Elf Sex Info.
Defamer gossip about John Stamos:
The actor was asked by Jane magazine, "What's the worst you ever screwed someone over?" He answered: "[In the mid- '80s] I was in a band. I was playing somewhere in Finland, and there was a girl hanging around who was really drunk and interested in me. I wasn't into her, but my friend was.
So the girl came back to my hotel, and I turned the lights down, and we started making out. I said, 'Hold on a second, I've gotta go brush my teeth.' It was dark, I left the room, and I sent in my friend who looked like me. And she thought she was having sex with me, but she was really having sex with my friend."
Tootsie Beal would be into weird fetish porn. Probably involving feet.
With her on-screen partner Flash Freud in
Steel Butterfly.
::moves John Stamos to "So Skanky No Longer Human" column::
Oh, then I'm Buffy Ygnacio Valley.
Oh, you poor dear. But congratulations!
t /fellow Contra Costa escapee
you know, it's hard to decide how to feel about that. On the one hand, shitty thing to do. On the other hand, he was totally there for his boy.
Timelies all!
I have no idea what the name of the street a)the hospital I was born is or b) where my parents were living at that time.(We moved when i was 3 months old.)
The tortiure this season has been strikingly unnecessry and fruitless. Whatsername just going back to work and being vital to the mission and all is just nonsensical. But whatever, I can ignore that. I thought the schizophrenic aughter storyline was nearly as bad as the mountain lion, so I was more grateful it was over than sorry for Erin. I really prefer for CTU operatives to have no personal lives - I don't want to know about Edgar's mom dying, or Erin's daughter. The only exception to this is Tony and Michelle, but I think that's because I was invested in each of them as part of CTU before they became personal backstory. And I ask President Palmer to come back every time I see him in an insurance commercial.
JZ, represent! I actually am quite fond of Contra Costa, but that may well be because I've never lived there for more than a couple of years at a time.
We are all SO possessed. [link]
24: Have they finished the
I couldn't watch 24 while that was going on, because it was so completely unrelated to reality that it made my head explode.
It was hard to get all that exploded head out of the carpet.
Going by hospital street name, I'd be Kristy East 77th.
ION, I'd like the room to stop spinning now. This whole vertigo thing is no fun.