Good, in that prepared for shit-to-go-down way?
Well, it seems you'd have no waiting -- but that's a lot of emptiness.
In his novel
J.G. Ballard talks about the many many empty beds at the airport hospital, all basically waiting for a major disaster.
I'm Pretty Boy Vogler. Huh. Or Snooky Vogler.
Is it just me or does this sound like a hobbit porn name?
Did anyone watch
last night?
Dh knew Erin's daughter was going to off herself. I figured she was just slipping free, and going to wreak havoc in CTU, before being shipped off to a private hospital. I felt so bad for Erin, and I don't even like Erin. Curtis turned out to be more than a computer geek. I loved it. Dinah is a liar pants, but we knew that. I'm so glad Tony has been around. I wish they'd bring Michelle back, too.
I had a vague notion of the hospital's name, but Google suggests the vague notion is wrong.
Me too. It annoyed me enough that I felt compelled to call my mother and ask her.
I'm sorry but Main Street does not lend itself to a fun name. I'll stick with India, thanks.
Is it just me or does this sound like a hobbit porn name?
Do hobbits have porn? I thought they just smoked pipeweed and fumbled in their breeches.
Cindy, I thought the same thing you did about
Erin's daughter,
and so I was
really shocked by the ending.
Still loving this season.
LJ, I'm listening to U2 on my iPod AIFG!
My porn name would be Cutie Panza if I took the house route. Cutie North 21st Street if I had to use the hospital street. By futzing around with it a bit, I could be Reggie Elmcroft, Lucky Elmcroft, or Coco Elmcroft. I think I shall stick to my day job.
Do hobbits have porn?
Have you
on the internet?
24 is weirding me out this season. I'm finding it more exciting, on average, but it's dramatically
cavalier towards torture. We've had, what, three innocents tortured so far, with nothing revealed that needed torture, and two of the victims are working cheek by jowl with their torturers. Is this how Abu Ghraib should have gone
I always thought the porn name was your first pet and your mother's maiden name.
If I mix and match, I'm Soapy Conquest.
The hospital street gives me Cuddles Holles, which is far less interesting, obviously.
I dunno, MFN. Cutie Panza could have a nice career in barely legal-esque stuff.
And iPods are indeed FG, as is U2.