I can understand wanting to be on TAR after Survivor.
I can totally understand why anyone would want to be TAR cause it seems fun. But people who have already been on Survivor, not once but twice...
I guess I just wanna tell them, "Sorry, your time in the limelight expired months ago."
I wonder what they put on their tax forms as occupation? "Reality TV personalities"?
I like Jars', too.
Also, Robin's is going to star in a certain something every Christmas.
My porn name is Ginger Shorewood, where all the wood docks.
I wonder what they put on their tax forms as occupation? "Reality TV personalities"?
I'ma guess "media whore."
Maybe Surewood?
I have on a pretty, swishy, pink skirt today. And fun boots. I shouldn't have to do anything but look pretty, right? I am also wearing a pink sweater, for the record.
Ginger Shorewood
There is nothing wrong and everything right with this.
I misremembered the street I was born on. Should be Buffy E.
Going by the strictest possible interpretation (the pet who was around when I was born, the street address of the hospital I was born at), I get either Sam Hawthorne or Sam Summit, or possibly Sam 30th Street.
First actual *my* pet gets Gold Hawthorne/Summit/30th.
Total mixing and matching elicits two intriguing possibilities, Missy Wild Currant and Missy San Antonio.
Work isn't killing me today. I'm delighted by the sudden good fortune, but wary.
Alibelle's Bible guy is making me roll my eyes forever.
Today I am all about the completely random declarative sentence, apparently.
JZ's random declarative sentences are entertaining.
I have to leave for class in fifteen minutes. I don't want to.
Stupid midterms. My midterm in my dance class is just to wear pretty clothes and dance. Is it any wonder that I love my dance class?
Ummm...who are Rob and Amba, and why are they famous enough that Phil would have known them if he hadn't been traveling?
And has anyone told Amba that the spelling of her name makes the baby Jesus' eyes BLEED?