Just wanted to mention two things I found especially funny:
I know that, in old-fashioned systems of "science", the spleen was very important in the manufacture of rage. So, by losing her spleen, your friend may become a calmer person!
Ooh, that would make me so mad!
Except I couldn't get mad.
Which would make me even madder!
I shall guard my sperm carefully, unless I run into Condi.
Did anybody see my motivation? I left it lying around here somewhere....
Did anybody see my motivation? I left it lying around here somewhere....
I think it might have run through here, but I missed it during my excessively long nap.
I think it ran off to Mexico with mine, Theodosia.
At least, that's what I told the police.
It's a winter Saturday and now it's dark. Motivation needs to be present why?
However, I am the queen of lazing around so take that with a grain of salt...
ETA: ooh, as numbers go, it ain't so bad.
Ima write Colin some fanmail.
I took a very long nap.
I also want Allyson to write me fanmail.
I finally did all my dishes that have been piling up, and used some of them to cook spaghetti. Now my cat's looking down on me from the computer desk hutch, wondering when I'm going to open the DVD tray on the computer again so she can have fun trying to bat at it while it closes. But, since I already did that twice just to entertain her, she doesn't get to see it again tonight.
Colin is certainly the only member of the US cast who was at least as attractive as, if not more attractive than, the UK counterpart.
For some reason, though, the picture of him that comes up all the time looks a lot like the priest guy from Wonderfalls.
This keeps making me blink.
We're about to make Cupcakes Part II: this time, with Orange Buttercream. Wish me luck.
That Wonderfalls priest is an acquaintance, coincidentally. Well not so or even more coincidentally - they're both products of Montreal theatre.