Someone earlier said a thing about Janeanne Garofolo which could have been construed as negative.
However, it does not matter. That someone is dead to me, now.
I would take Rachel Weisz in the middle of anything.
Rachel Weisz is quite attractive. Howver, she should not stand between me and Janeanne Garofolo.
Not that there is anything between me and Janeanne Garofolo but the better part of a cointinent and few decades of age.
And about 3' of height.
I will IMDb's height for Janeanne Garofolo later. First, I need to investigate what in the world "gut-rehab" means from those craiglist links.
'Cuz, the term is disturbing.
(Back from IMDb: 5'1" -- Only two feet different. Practically a match. )
From some of the rehabs I've seen in progress, I think they strip the building down to little more than the structural stuff and rebuild from there. It probably saves on some permit issues (as opposed to demolition and starting with a whole new building), plus most of the old brick buildings just look cool.
Old brick buildings do look cool. However, it is kind of like that soda commercial where the rusted Chevy has a cool interior remod, but with bricks instead of rust.
That's what tuckpointing is for. All the brick is part of Chicago's identity, and the old buildings have some great detail work that is less likely to happen in new construction. I love that restoration is such a big thing here. And I don't have to drive my apartment to work.
(Back from googling "tuckpointing" [link]
You have to drive to work? The theatrical life is a hard life.
(I work at home. My morning drive consists of stumbling down the corridor to the coffee pot. )
And about 3' of height.
I naturally read that as 3" and went through a period of wondering how the camera could have lied to me so. It could have been some kind of perspective trick with a giant-size microphone and a ceiling that got higher as it neared the stage. Janine Giraffealo.
Janeanne Giraffealo
I wish I could draw. I can see this. It is funny.
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