Belated congratulations to Allyson!
Here is a bit of noir in response to the challenge:
Surprised, Warden, that a little mouse like me could take you and your gun? Alone with a prisoner, big mistake.
"Psycho"? Sticks and stones, Warden though what I'm doing with this knife is evidence for your epithet. But, when you said that my "tendency to get raped" was a personal problem, in a 25% HIV positive prison, you sentenced me to die by slow torture. Now I can force the guards to kill me quickly. Psycho or coldly rational?
You aren't pondering that though, you're thinking the same thing I've thought every night for months:
"Please God, make it stop".
Whoosh, that's a good one Typo. Brrrrr, gives me the chills.
Thanks Sail.
Inspired by these posts by Ezra Klein on prison rape.
Hey, Tep! New topic? I'm drawing a blank on sticks and stones, even with the extra day.
I'm writing Firefly fic, but that part's not relevant to this thread. What is relevant is how wonderful it feels, the story rolling out, the dialogue in my ear, knowing I'm not going to forget what I'm doing because it's all there and I just have to chip it out of its surroundings . . .
I should go home, though, my Hubby is probably wondering where I am.
Hey, connie. I saw you got recced in ljland today for having the best Spander (Nessuno) out there. Go, you!
Really? I missed that! Off to search for egoboo!
Teppy? Do you need some suggestions for new topics?
An untopic-ed drabble.
to sleep, perchance
The dog sleeps under my desk, dreams of chasing squirrels. The boy plays trombone in the other room, sees lighted stages in his mind's eye. And I, I am dreaming too.
I am dreaming what it must feel like to not believe that security is a dream. I am dreaming of clean water and shelter from the rain. I am dreaming of sunlight streaming through windows and birdsong drifting through doors.
I know that dust and nails and anger and confusion must come first, but I know, I know, I know that soon will come that elusive thing called home.
Lovely, Liese.
And also? Mazel tov on the house.