Monday means new drabble topic!
Challenge #142 (recipes) is now closed.
Challenge #143, because I'm feeling feisty, is Get Over It. Use it as dialogue, use it as a general theme -- whatever you will.
As always, please feel free to suggest future topics.
And a reminder -- everyone is welcome to post their drabbles to the community LJ. You definitely aren't required to, by any means. But if you want to, then please do.
I like the way that one shifts, erika. Nifty.
Pondering the new topic, with it's attendant ear worm.
Anyone want to take a look at an article I wrote about background checks and how to live through them? I have to send it in by Monday morning.
I can look at it tomorrow, Deena.
I could do, if you need another set of eyes.
Yay! thanks. I'll send it to all three of you... then I'm going to bed! Tomorrow is plenty soon enough.
The experiment to use a Wiki to write a novel is, uhm, working about as well as you would expect: [link]
New drabble topic!
Challenge #143 (get over it) is now closed.
Challenge #144 is sticks and stones.
Don't break your bones -- just write!
When Tommy Merrigan used to get stuck on a case, he’d drive for two hours, head out to Lynx Lake and skip rocks. It was a smaller city then; you could make friends with the guy on the motor pool and do things like that without inviting a blue-ribbon commission down on yourself He’d stand out there and ponder things while watching the stone skip and make ripples and it seemed like everything made more sense. He thought about living there sometimes, back when Prescott had only a handful of murders...he could stay on the Job and maybe open a tackle shop. It’s still quiet there, but not quite bait-shop quiet anymore...along with the multiplex and the Marriot with the high-speed internet and conference rooms, some murder has moved in too. About 15 or 20 a year, though, as opposed to Phoenix’s near two hundred, but with the clarity that comes from seeing everything as a rock makes the green lakewater ripple, he knows he wouldn’t do it.