That's wonderful, Nicole! It took me a minute (which is probably because I am tired like whoa), but then it hit me with a nice spooky wallop. Very good indeed.
And Tep, you and Lee picked awesome pictures this time. I'm definitely going to do another, or maybe two. I had a hard time deciding on my first one.
Nicole, spooky! Now I have the shivers.
No shit that gave me shivers. Wow. Good one, Nicole! Good to see you back here, too.
Nicely shivery, Nicole. Sly punch at the end.
Sail, yours was just very sad and angry.
Nice ones.
Thanks, again. I'm glad you guys liked it. I almost didn't post it. I let a friend read it before I posted - I was trying to see if it made sense to people that aren't inside my head - and his comment was something along the lines of, "Eh. It's ok."
So, phew!
Your friend probably doesn't like Flannery O'Connor or even The Sixth Sense, Nicole.
That was my thought, too. I like those little "gotcha" moments. Especially if they're spooky.
Great drabble, Nicole; the friend you asked to read it obviously has no taste.