Was about to ping for new topic.
Also, I just sent out all of chapter 15 of Cleveland Rocks. Epilogue to do today, and then this book, she is done like a done book is done.
At the moment, at 88,696 pages, 413 manuscript pages. I set 85K as the base minimum, and was hoping for 90K.
staggering in
The book, she is done. All done.
Epilogue, just over 4000 words, written today. 92K words, 428 ms pages total. Sent to WIP readers.
I am bloody but unbowed (I took a bad fall this morning) and Cleveland Rocks, she is DONE.
Cleveland Rocks, and so does its author.
I would be doing Numfar's Dance of Done Books if I wasn't purple-black down the right side, with a pulled achilles tendon.
Internally, I'm dancing.
Now, of course, I have to write the prologue to the first Daymond book.
Any news on the piano, deb?
Any news on the piano, deb?
Nothing yet - the Doobie Brothers have been out on the road, and are going back out in three weeks. We're hoping John McFee didn't do what he likes to do during tour breaks: head off to Japan to tour with a Japanese guitarist buddy of his.
But we're going to stay on it. I deeply need for this to happen.
Does anyone here know any of the LA slang in use at the hiphop clubs around 1998?
Three pages into writing the prologue of Seven Women and the slang is already kicking my white middle-aged ass.