For me a lot of writing projects are about paying for the groceries. I also write a lot slower than you do, though -- taking the time to write that book on spec would kill me, financially.
Normally I'd be nodding. But not this time.
Because apart from everything else? That sit-down with Montel in LA is contingent on us continuing this project. And that's where I get to push the Kinkaids.
Everything I write at this point has some connection to me getting the Kinkaids out there. I honestly rank everything else lightyears below that.
SMP will have the first chunk of New-Slain Knight before August ever shows up. They can pay for my groceries.
loves Deb with a big ferocious love
Anything you need, bebe.
Damn. Just caught up in this thread. My head is spinning - but I'll bet mine has nothing on yours.
If Demond is willing to pay an advance, there is no reason he shouldn't though. I mean if he offers there is no reason turn it down is there? For that matter no reason not to ask Cause I wanna see a writer friend of mine get rich from it so I can live vicariously through her.
If Demond is willing to pay an advance, there is no reason he shouldn't though. I mean if he offers there is no reason turn it down is there?
No, but he won't, unless it's for the possible film stuff. And right now, I wouldn't take it. I am seriously pissed off and I'm going to make these cloistered little no-nothings eat their words and eat my dust. (and yes, that "no-nothing" is supposed to be spelled that way. It should be in quotes: No! NOTHING! Assholes.)
For that matter no reason not to ask Cause I wanna see a writer friend of mine get rich from it so I can live vicariously through her.
Screw vicariously. There will be real rich and a place in Tuscany for people to come hang.
waves PomPoms.
which is ironic, really, what with being a Pom herself.
Go Team Deb! You bloody SHOW them, girl!
Hey, Deb's got her Bitch flag flying. Fantastic.
Hee. I wondered how long it would be before someone pulled the "white chicks can't write" card out on her, and made her eyes spin around and turn red...but this is WAY faster than my speculations.
Not to change the subject, but I am now attempting to write copy for a book with a character named Cinnamon. Yes, it's a romance. I want to barf.
I hope the hero nicknames her CinnaBons.
I went to college with a Cinnamon, a Velvet and a Michelin. And to high school with a Precious Love.