Am waiting with eager glee for the first wanna-be hipster to say, roughly, "Yo, dog, why's the middle-aged white broad doin' this shit, huh? You couldn't find nobody from the hood?"
Then waiting for the entertainment news to be agog with the story of the middle-aged white broad kicking the ass of some wanna-be hipster at a hip-hop club.
Am waiting with eager glee for the first wanna-be hipster to say, roughly, "Yo, dog, why's the middle-aged white broad doin' this shit, huh? You couldn't find nobody from the hood?"
That was pretty much the scenario I suggested to Daymond. You couldn't make this shit up - the crappiest screenwriter wannabe couldn't make it up. "She's a retired white middle-aged rocker with pared-down prose and humanist sensibilities! He's an Industry bazillionaire! Together, they fight crime! It's comedy gold!"
Then waiting for the entertainment news to be agog with the story of the middle-aged white broad kicking the ass of some wanna-be hipster at a hip-hop club.
Even better. I'll kick the wanna-be's ass and then blow them a kiss during the Oprah gig. Because Daymond? Is who he is.
And I think I know how I want to do it: a thriller with a single story arc spanning three books. I have enough of a glimmer to bare-bones a proposal, which is fortunate, since Daymond's agent - who is also a Hollywood guy - left a message at Marlene's office....
Holy mother of Wow, Deb. That's
I too am waiting with glee for the above-outlined scene to unfold.
Mind you, I'm actually JUST as pleased about this for the sake of the added clout it should lend you, because the Matty Groves publishers need a serious kick in the butt wrt their approach to your books. Bleeding STUPID is what they are being right now, and I hope that this might make them have a wee rethink.
(And, yes, the novel is the one I sent you the first chapter of. Really pleased you liked it!)
And I think I know how I want to do it: a thriller with a single story arc spanning three books.
Oh, that sounds like fun! This project is going to be so cool, Deb.
First chunk of the hip-hop proposal done.
Fear me.
Anyone want to suggest a company name for me?
Here's what it is: it's a shoe company, founded by a young black hip entrepreneur (Todd KC) in the nineties. The shoes were originally targeted at a very small market, but it was really obvious really fast that this was going to be huge, crossing cultural lines and going head to head with Nike and the other major players in the market. What kicked the through the roof - and turned Todd into a multimillionare at the age of 25 - was the way the world of hip-hip embraced the product.
I need a name for the shoe company. Very hip, resonant of the early nineties. This is the fictionalisation of Fubu, which of course is an acronym for "For Us, By Us".
blinking at Aimee
Didn't see what you deleted. Tease.
Names for this damned company that I'm playing with right now: Lockstep. Step It Up.
Damn. Feh.