OK. Warning: a seriously ME! It's all about MEEEEEE! post:
Deb's Little Comfort Zone Goes to Alpha Centauri
First things first: the Maybach Mercedes is a very posh car. I don't know if Daymond consciously wanted me to get the feel of why the women in the industry will queue up for a shot at these guys; I doubt it, though. I suspect this is how he sends everyone to the airport. In any event, it was a very comfortable ride to the airport and I got to talk politics with his driver.
Deb's New Motto: Golly gee willikers, Mrs. Cleaver, I feel all fly and shit!
I have to hit my daughter up for a list of sites and books I'm going to need. In my very near future, I'm going to have to steep myself in the llanguage of the Industry (the whole hip-hip thing), of which I speak about ten words and two phrases. My current lack of knowledge has to be rectified, and fast - see below. A good start is going to be asking Daymond or more likely Jared, his assistant, who's actually from LA - to hook me up at a club or two in LA, VIP level, so I can go down and just get the look, the feel, the vibe, the flow of how the whole predator-prey thing works at these clubs. Call my agents and have the official conversation with them.
Yo! Yo! Yo!
Remember that book - singular, non-fiction, as told to me- I was doing with Daymond?
Slight change of gears. Singular became plural, non-fic became fiction. They're going to be novels, a multi-book series. And the money is going to be major, especially since Daymond wants it structured so that I'm happy, because I'm doing the work. And what makes me happy - what my agents are going to put on the table when they sit down with Daymond's agent at Paragon - is a 50/50% split that includes subsidiary rights, a two-book deal with a third-book option, and a draw against advance predicated on a $75K advance.
So I have to do it right.
But while I'm setting stuff up, ordering books, saturating my middle-aged white ass in the language and vibe - which, entre nous, is not all that alien, since really it's updated rock and roll crap with different skin tones, different music, and the addition of pro sports to the mix - I need to slam through the prologue and at least the first chapter of New-Slain Knight. And then take a couple of weeks while stuff is being finalised, and finish what I want to finish: Cleveland Rocks. I'm in desperate need of a dose of JP and Bree right now.
Why yes, all about the meeeeeeee. Can't say I didn't warn you upfront. Also, all the way jetlagged.
FAAAAAAAAAAY! Is this the novel I read the first bits of? Because, yes please.