Allyson, I meant to post this earlier and I wish I had before you popped in so it didn't sound like hairpatting. But I wanted to tell you that you really are doing so well with your "professional author week." You've come up with some great material; I've really enjoyed reading what you've been working on. You worked steadily all week and did both revisions and expansions. You really plowed through some great material and tightened up your existing stuff well. You're doing great.
And you're a damned good writer. Your work is compelling, funny, wry and personal. It's a topic that's not covered well already, and you have a unique take on it. You already know that you've got a distinctive and entertaining voice. Your introspection and observation make this topic and your book both intensely personal and absolutely universal.
You're on the home stretch now. You're going to make it, and you're going to do fine, and it's going to be great. And we all love you even if you were to completely flop. Which you won't. And we'll still love you even if you succeed.
Meanwhile, about the extra words -- wasn't there talk at one point of you doing several small interstitial pieces that you could just pop in between the longer essays? Could you still do something like that, maybe profiles of people (anonymized or not), or snarky definitions of fandom words or concepts, or bits of insider info about the showrunning process?
12 of them 750 words each - and Bob
likes carrots
is your uncle.
Meanwhile, about the extra words -- wasn't there talk at one point of you doing several small interstitial pieces that you could just pop in between the longer essays? Could you still do something like that, maybe profiles of people (anonymized or not), or snarky definitions of fandom words or concepts, or bits of insider info about the showrunning process?
Allyson, this is a good idea. As are Deb's words and Cindy's list. DO NOT offer to give the money back. You can do this, without a doubt. If you need help or want me to look at something this week, just shout -- I'm around.
Cindy, I've talked about just about everything on that list, except maybe the Bronze Safety 'Net. It's probably timely due to all the MySpace hysteria.
Oh, good point.
I appreciate this a lot. It's thinking about answers to questions that makes things start flowing, again. I just sent an e to a friend and said, "ask me something. anything. doesn't matter if it's embarassing."
Here's one: What was your absolute lowest point in fandom?
I would like to maybe write an open letter to the douchebag who was such a shit at Comic Con. That's be hilarious, short, and catharsis all wrapped up in about 800 words.
Yes. I bet you could do 1000.
What did I do with my time?
I assume you were being rhetorical, but that could be another essay.
OK, another question for Allyson:
Is there anyone (as in, specific person) in fandom who you know it behooves you to like - but who you really really really can't stand?
Deborah brought up archetypes. What are all the archetypes - not just fucktards, though obviously fucktard types are included?. Can you come up with 12 types of fan that most fandom fits into? fewer? more? Which archetype do you fit into? I'll bet you can come up with an essay on each one.
OK, why I love Roz Kaveney. A snippet:
I am still waiting to be summoned to represent my country in the name-dropping event at the 2012 Olympics and hoping that I am not by then too famous to qualify as an amateur
Damn, she rocks. I wonder if I can rope her into a few drabbles...?
Is there anyone (as in, specific person) in fandom who you know it behooves you to like - but who you really really really can't stand?
Besides Joss? heh.
The archetypes idea is hugely interesting, deb.
Nice thing about archetypes: you can rip them to tiny little shreds and it works. You can be kind, and it works.
Hell, that's what archetypes are for: personalising. It's what I'm going to be doing with Daymond's book.
Need help or input or stuff? Going out, but yelp in email.
I'm presuming you have written about the non-loving of Joss? Cause if not good for many words. Also I presume you have told tales of sex or lack thereof - no porn needed; just do some mythbusting or confirm that some stories are not myths. (I ran into several works of fiction lately that portrayed orgies routinely takeing place in higher floors of cons. I'm presuming this is an attempt to appeal to the 13 year old market rather than a realistic portrayal.) Anyway "No sex in the champaigne room" would make a good added chapter.