When I was a kid, my mother was busy. She worked a lot, and traveled for work more than any other parent I knew. Between her and my father, we always had great dinners, but they were quick, and usually followed the latest diet. Breakfast was cereal, and my dad made sandwiches for everyone’s lunch. Now when I come to visit, my mother gets up early to bake. One day it’s banana bread, the next fresh raspberry muffins. She plans out menus she thinks I’ll like for every meal. I don’t think it’s me that she’s comforting when she cooks.
Aw, Jesse, liked that!
Bittersweet, but mostly sweet.
Thanks. It just struck me this weekend -- my mother was never a baking sort.
This was *exactly* my reaction. You can count that a total success.
I do feel kinda bad, though, cause, well -- I had a vampire kill my dead gramma! In her kitchen! For a laugh!
I'ma gonna fry in hell.
I liked that a lot, Erin! I was all, OMGWTF?! BWAHAHAHA!
::readies the fryer for Erin::
Typo, excellent drabble. I really liked her "comfort food." Hee.
connie's and Aimee's definitely struck home. My mother was the queen of cooking with hamburger. Not because it was plentiful, but because a year and half of living off the chickens they raised during the depression gave her a severe distaste for the bird.
Jesse, definitely bittersweet.
Lots o' burgermeat in my fam, too.
In addition to biweekly servings of SOS. *sigh* And Swiss steak, although I have no fucking clue HOW it was Swiss. And something called porcupine meatballs, with was rice and hanburger rolled into balls, and stewed in some red goop.
These are wonderful drabbles.
Sadly, I think of comfort food ... and then I just want to go find some. Maybe I'll try to be metaphorical about it.
After I eat.
I love porcupine meatballs. In a sauce made from V-8.
I am pondering the drabble.
Oh, Erin, insent yesterday sometime.
-t, I got it back. I've read it through once, but have to go back again, more slowly later.
Caught some good stuff for me! Thanks.
Glad you liked. I like Tess, too; poor girl's gonna get some pain, though before I'm done with her. Hee.
Let me know when/if you want a little more.