Comfort Food
My great-grandmother relied on the simple things during The Depression. Simple being inexpensive. Browned ground beef, beans, and cottage cheese. These were things always available and easy to get. It was the staple meal for her family of five, living in Detroit with few pennies to spare. No one ever complained, and conversation flowed freely. Anyone peeking through their window would see the love and warmth coming from that meal. No matter how bad things got, or how much money they didn’t have, they still had each other. Is it any wonder that my grandmother still makes it for us?
Oohh nice Aimee. chili and beans were often a staple in our house growing up. We always had hamburger in the fridge and a pot of beans soaking on the stove. Not the same thing, but similar in spirit.
Is it wrong that Erin's drabble made me laugh? In a shock reaction way, but still.
Raq, I was going for WTF? Yarg!BWAHA!, so as the author, I am happy with your reaction!
Oh, and Connie, the next time my mom makes my grandma's fudge, I'll have to sned some to you. It is quintessential grandma fudge. My mom is not the world's greatest cook, but her fudge fuckin' rocks.
When I was a kid, my mother was busy. She worked a lot, and traveled for work more than any other parent I knew. Between her and my father, we always had great dinners, but they were quick, and usually followed the latest diet. Breakfast was cereal, and my dad made sandwiches for everyone’s lunch. Now when I come to visit, my mother gets up early to bake. One day it’s banana bread, the next fresh raspberry muffins. She plans out menus she thinks I’ll like for every meal. I don’t think it’s me that she’s comforting when she cooks.
Aw, Jesse, liked that!
Bittersweet, but mostly sweet.
Thanks. It just struck me this weekend -- my mother was never a baking sort.
This was *exactly* my reaction. You can count that a total success.
I do feel kinda bad, though, cause, well -- I had a vampire kill my dead gramma! In her kitchen! For a laugh!
I'ma gonna fry in hell.