Aaaand, just got off a three-way conversation. The nice man would like to fly me to NY to sit down F2F and go over it. End of May, looks like.
Boy howdy!
Putting together a brain-dumpy proposal to send him.
And Jo was right - he's scared to death of me. ANOTHER seven planets in Pisces guy, just like Nicholas Rev.1.
Karma in, karma out, karma go round the roses...
End of May, looks like.
AFTER the SF2F, right? Because, you know, not that I'm selfish or anything.
Oooh! And I bet I know where you'll get to stay...
This is looking more and more like it's happening. Wasn't the first one in the "The Ten People You Meet" series a NYT bestseller? He's talking about doing it with film rights. And I wouldn't be ghosting; I'd get the credit, on the cover, " told to Deborah Grabien" or "By Daymond John and Deborah Grabien."
So, after all the F2F stuff has settled down, looks like a long weekend in NY. I'll keep people posted on that one.
Right now, need to go write a nice informal "this is my take on it" email, and send it along.
You may, possibly, hear meeping. Turns out Marlene's partner is having lunch with Well-Known (Tor) Editor today. Said editor is branching out from scifi fantasy and is looking for something new, she doesn't know, but something with continuity and passion and voice. Oh, and said Well-Known Editor is also VERY old friend of mine, of the Grabien family; I actually introduced her to Marlene, back at WorldCon in San Jose.
BB is pitching W-K Editor the Kinkaids and Still Life.
Going to be an interesting week.
Damn, Deb! Kick some serious literary ass!!!
Wasn't the first one in the "The Ten People You Meet" series a NYT bestseller?
I know there was a Ten (or maybe 5, or 3?) People You Meet in Heaven book.
rollercoaster-ish. hopefully in a good way.
Five People You Meet In Heaven
"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" was a Mitch Albom novel, Deb.
BB is pitching W-K Editor the Kinkaids and Still Life.
Wheeee! Fingers crossed over here.
Hmmm. This one's non-fiction, obviously, but Marlene was bouncing. It's got huge possibilities attached to it.
I'm-a write the proposal-type thing, and send it off. Then I'm going to have breakfast.
Damn it.
Just heard back from my agent. W-K E wants to see the Kinkaids and Still Life With Devils. Let the meeping commence.
And I sent off my brain-dump proposal, as to why I like the book collaboration idea (not your typical reasons). We shall see.