Just heard back from my agent. W-K E wants to see the Kinkaids and Still Life With Devils. Let the meeping commence.
And I sent off my brain-dump proposal, as to why I like the book collaboration idea (not your typical reasons). We shall see.
Wow, deb, what a week! Good luck with all that, as well as Nic's job. Re-orgs are hardly ever good for anyone - even the people who keep their jobs get screwed somehow. Or so it always seems.
Yay, Deb! Good luck with everything.
Whoohoo, Deb! Rock the writing!
Looks like I'm on for the collaboration. Nice big business plan email awaiting me when I got home.
le WOOOOOOOOOOT! Because money and fun and challenge, all good, but more PR to get Kinkaids out? Priceless.
Awesomeness! Good luck, Deb!
Looks like I'm on for the collaboration. Nice big business plan email awaiting me when I got home.
So cool! What *is* the plan? Are you going to do sample chapters and then let his agent shop them? And another trip to New York! Wheeee!
So awesome, deb. This is so deserved.
Thanks, all. One of the things that cracked me up was a slightly diffident "my hope - I know it may not be possible - is to have the book's first draft done by summer of 2007, is that a problem?"
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! To quote Tweety Bird, "He don't know me very well, do he?" Dude, give me the info, I'll have samples for you faster than you can read 'em, and they'll be superb.
No, I really don't have a problem saying, "this is what I do, and I am very very very good at it."
Talking to Marlene and BB about it later, but one of the biggies is my name on the cover. I'm not going to ghost this; that's one thing I was prepared to dig my heels in about. I want a cover credit, because for one thing, I intend to be very proud of the finished work, and for another, Kinkaids selling tool. Luckily, he appears to be fine with that.
So I don't know whether this is a fee, points, or what. In terms of selling it, this is a slamdunk, considering who he is.
Right now, the working title in my own head, first suggestion I came up with, is Ten Women, Two Eyes: One Man's Look at the Women Who Shaped His world, by Daymond John, as told to Deborah Grabien.
In other news, back to Cleveland Rocks.