do I want to co-write or ghostwrite a non-fiction by someone famous (male), on the subject of "The Ten Women You Meet In Your Life"
What?! More info, please! That could be a wonderful opportunity. It never hurts to get your foot in the door for work like that, which can be very helpful during a dry spell.
Amy, it's the nice man who let us have his posh digs at the Trump. He's going to ring me up later tonight. Jo says he's terrified. She just called him a dork.
I love that drabble, Raq.
I just got a very interesting offer. Not the Kinkaids - do I want to co-write or ghostwrite a non-fiction by someone famous (male), on the subject of "The Ten Women You Meet In Your Life".
Yay, Deb!
Jo says he's terrified. She just called him a dork.
Heh. And she's one of the few people who can, I'll bet. Cool news, Deb!
Wheee! That would be very, very cool, Deb.
I just got a very interesting offer. Not the Kinkaids - do I want to co-write or ghostwrite a non-fiction by someone famous (male), on the subject of "The Ten Women You Meet In Your Life".
Hell yes. If my husband is about to lose his job, I'll take a fat non-fiction advance in a heartbeat.
You'd rock that, Deb. I love that he's chicken to call you.
Aaaand, just got off a three-way conversation. The nice man would like to fly me to NY to sit down F2F and go over it. End of May, looks like.
Boy howdy!
Putting together a brain-dumpy proposal to send him.
And Jo was right - he's scared to death of me. ANOTHER seven planets in Pisces guy, just like Nicholas Rev.1.
Karma in, karma out, karma go round the roses...
End of May, looks like.
AFTER the SF2F, right? Because, you know, not that I'm selfish or anything.