ION, it looks like I'm going to be having breakfast with Jo Beverley and Mary Jo Putney on Labor Day. Someone remind me that authors I was reading for years before I decided to write myself aren't inherently any scarier than the other kind, because I'm all "Eek! What am I going to SAY?" even though I more or less started this myself by sending JB an email when I saw on her website that she's going to be in town for a con.
Dude, you could sleep over Deborah Freakin' Grabien's house at the drop of an email. Breakfast ain't no big thing.
I just got to see the starred PW review for Matty Groves, on the agreement that the early look = me not posting or forwarding it until Monday.
Just thought I'd remind you that it's Monday. I actually hope you're still sleeping, but once you're not, we are waiting.
Wheeee! Awesome review! And starred -- so very cool.
Grabien ratchets up the suspense steadily and implacably, and the resolution is deeply satisfying.
You ratchet, Deb! Also, flautist! That's a stellar review. Woohoo!
her most chillingly effective performance to date
This is what I was thinking when I beta'd it. I enjoyed Weaver very much, thought Famous Flower was fabulous both for the main story and the glimpse into a part of history I didn't know much about.
Matty knocks the ball out of the park. I'm delighted, but not at all surprised that even a jaded reviewer can see that. *g*
Damn, woman. I want to see a movie deal out of this. Somebody get Ewan McGregor on the phone, stat!!!
You should be very proud, Deb.
Hope it translates to big sales and library orders.
I hope it translates to paperback deal, is what I hope.
Damn it. TWO tiny kittens on lap, both wanting to suck hand, not wanting to share same hand.
Send help.
Oh no! The needy kittens are multiplying!