You should be very proud, Deb. Hope it translates to big sales and library orders.
The Great Write Way, Chapter Two: Twice upon a time...
A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.
I hope it translates to paperback deal, is what I hope.
Damn it. TWO tiny kittens on lap, both wanting to suck hand, not wanting to share same hand.
Send help.
Oh no! The needy kittens are multiplying!
We rescued Farrowen's sister, Little Queenie, last night. They're both handsuckers, being just about four weeks old.
I'm trying to WRITE. With no hands.
I would so take one of the kittens off your hands (um, literally) if I was anywhere near your coast...
Hee! JZ was over on Thursday, to spend some quality kitten time with Farrowen. Now there are two.
My gosh, Deb, and I thought Rocky was making me crazy this morning...I've closed the door on him and now that I've posted a little, feel kind of bad about it. But he's so rowdy in the morning.
Farrowen's done her morning rowdy, and is socked out on my lap. Queenie's not socked out.
Gah. Must work.
Got rejected this morning. In about the nicest way ever, but still. Beginning to believe instead of Virgo, both my work and myself were born under the star of "It's Not You, It's Me." It's all in the game, though, I suppose.
erika, I could paper my loo with rejection letters. Who was this one from? What was the piece?