Allyson, right on target. A couple of suggestions, for readability:
Ms. Beatrice's schoolgirl crush on scripted programming developed into an unhealthy love affair with the cult show Buffy the Vampire Slayer in her mid-twenties.
A slight switch in the ordering, ma'am, please; as it stands, it's Buffy who's in her mid-twenties, not you. Try:
Ms. Beatrice's schoolgirl crush on scripted programming developed, in her mid-twenties, into an unhealthy love affair with the cult show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
And in a similar vein:
and organizing a failed campaign to save a television show about cowboys in space from being canceled.
I'd tighten it this way:
and organizing a failed campaign to prevent the cancellation of a television show about cowboys in space.
Otherwise? Perfecto, from where I'm sitting. You have excellent instincts.
Oooh, thanks for the editing, Deb. It's amazing how one can screw things like that up when one is writing with her eyes closed.
It's amazing how one can screw things like that up when one is writing with her eyes closed.
BWAH! Seriously, your instinct for this stuff is right on the money; you'll notice the edits are purely cosmetic, and don't touch the heart of what you're saying.
Eyes closed, or not...
Allyson! Congratulations!
Tim's advice was:
Allyson Beatrice grew up in blah blah. She didn't always have purple
hair. Then talk about how you came out to LA and got invovled with
fandom. Tried to save a spaceship while working for mad scientists who
do the same thing, but in real life. GET ON IT.
Heh, good advice, Allyson. Nifty blurb!
Heh. I just remembered to ask Scott about Creature Double Feature. I just went up to him, pointed my finger in his face, and said, "Creature Double Feature! Sunday or..."
A wave of disgust crossed his face.
"SATURDAYS! What kind of amateur question is that. It was Saturdays, and it could have been on at noon, but I think it was 1:00."
Allyson, good advice from Tim, but that's more of a full bio - I think what the agent wants is the blurb.
Save the LA sotry for the full one.
Are you serious? Saturday? Really? I was like, seven years old when that was on channel 56. MOTHRA!
Save the LA sotry for the full one.
I'm working on a short outline.
Deb, should I three-hole punch this and send it off as a manuscript with the bio, outline, and source list included as part of that package?
Or should I just punch the manuscript and have the outline, sourcelist, and bio as separate pieces?