You're not responsible.
There may be parts where your karma touches theirs, I don't know, but it's not the parts that decide when someone a sea and a continent away dies.
Not unless you have a transporter and a gun, anyway.
The pages of a book-even one that's acting like possession-not so much.
Except that I believe all karma is essentially one vast pool, and that we all tap into it.
I am well beyond creeped and into downright shaken, here.
I think, Deb, that this is one of those times when the rock and roll cliche just happens to prove itself not to be so much a cliche but a truth. Rock and rollers have a propensity for ODing. Or, because they really are such a very small part of the population, but a very noticible part, when they do, it places more emphasis on the manner of death than just the fact the person died. No karma, just statistics.
Well, we differ on our idea of karma then.
I do believe there is shared karma, but it's not transferable.
Krissy (and Ron, for that matter) has her own karma-her own mission, if you will.
No matter what "cause" you make karmically, another person's karma is what rules her destiny. Whether she recognizes the power of it or not is another thing.
We do differ. The pool is why I think there are people who can act as lightning rods for bad karma for everyone around them. And, very occasionally, as conduits for the good stuff.
This isn't the good stuff. I need to go process this.
Thoughts for future drabble subjects: the view outside your bedroom window--or contemplations on why you don't have a bedroom window. Front doors. Back doors.
I'm in an architectural mood.
I'm now at 100 words short of 70,000.
337 pages.
I am hoping to have Chapter 15 done before I sleep, or else early in the morning.
This is rather like being skinned alive. I don't recommend working this way, if you can avoid it.
Did your karma make her try drugs in the first place? Become addicted? Resist recovery? Of course not.
Granted, I don't happen to share a belief in this concept, but I think I have some modicum of understanding of your personal view of it, from our conversations. I know of your aversion to addictions, and the help you've given others who were adversely affected by addictions. You've helped those who were struggling to detox from addictive substances. You've also given of yourself and talents to homeless people, many of whom are homeless either as a result of mental illness (and a significant number of people who are mentally ill have developed substance abuse habits and addictions in the attempt to self-medicate); or are homeles as a result of the effects addiction has had on their lives. Your karma didn't do diddly bad to this woman.
Also? You are creating. You are creating something that will provide enjoyment and stimulation for people, should they choose to experience your creation. Furthermore, you are taking your own, not insignificant pain, and turning it into art.
Tell me, how could there be bad karma in this?
Thoughts for future drabble subjects:
Thanks, Connie! Bookmarked for future reference.