Jen, your sanity, not to mention your health, is worth the extra money.
I did basically this when I lived in DC - moved from somewhere cheap but inconvenient that I didn't really like to somewhere so much nicer and more convenient (though smaller), doubling my rent in the process. Best Thing I Ever Did. I was so much happier in the new place that I didn't begrudge the extra rent one bit, even when I was scraping by a bit at times. Go for it.
I will second, third, or whatever these statements because I moved into my own apartment, away from a slob, and I have never been happier with where I live.
{{{Hec and Emmett}}}
Sounds lovely Kristin. I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, poor Emmett! Much nose~ma to him, and much steadiness of nerve~ma to you, Hec.
ION, I go get my hair fixed today. Until then, it is imperative I do some laundry! (I won't, though.)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~* for Emmett.
Kristin has a new old tag.
Not anymore.
t heart
Interstate 60)
There you are P-C!
Almare does not have a new tag!
Kristin, I have not seen you to say "Go Team You!" yet!
So, consider it said!
Also, P-C!!!!!!!
Kristin has a new tag.
Almare does not.
I have a thesis to write.
All the hot women hug me now.
Go write your thesis, Smartypants!!!
Don't let the power go to your head. Go write.