My favorite animal was the two-toed sloth. The sloth's my totem animal.
Huzzah for sloths! Incidentally, the two-toed variety are apparently more irritable than the three-toed variety. I can't comment on whether it's due to feelings of inadequacy. (Oh, and three-toed sloths are one of the few mammals with more than seven vertebrae in their neck.)
Finally, allow me to add this baby sloth photo: [link]
That is a very cute baby sloth. DH tells me they are sort of cuddly.
Poor Emmett! I got hit by a baseball in the mouth once. There was very little blood, but I still remember it. I can't imagine how awful the whole thing must have been.
Am I really, really stupid to give up my mega-super-ultra-cheap-but-very-far-from-the-T bedroom in an apartment with two filthy boy roommates in order to move to a relatively-cheap-but-still-twice-what-I'm-paying-now studio apartment that's around the corner from Davis Square?
Jen, I did basically this when I lived in DC - moved from somewhere cheap but inconvenient that I didn't really like to somewhere so much nicer and more convenient (though smaller), doubling my rent in the process. Best Thing I Ever Did. I was
much happier in the new place that I didn't begrudge the extra rent one bit, even when I was scraping by a bit at times. Go for it.
I can't imagine how awful the whole thing must have been.
Awful enough to reel through my brain in a loop at 4am. The last thing Emmett said to me last night when I left him with his Mom was:
Emmett: "Chill out, Dad. Chill."
Me: "There's not a lot of chilling out when you're covered with your son's blood!"
Mind, I wasn't ranty. Just obvioiusly tight and rattled.
Aw sweetie, it's too hard being the parent, sometimes. Is there any possibility that the cartilege (sp?) is just swollen and will be okay and not require any intervention, by the time the ENT examines him?
Wow, you're up early, David. Poor sweet Emmett. I'm glad to hear he seems to have recovered his spirits somewhat. All our nose-ma is belong to Emmett.
Is there any possibility that the cartilege (sp?) is just swollen and will be okay and not require any intervention, by the time the ENT examines him?
Possible, but unlikely. When the doctor peered up his nostrils neither passageway was clear, which is an indicator the cartilage is out of place.
ugh, Hec, I am so sorry. What a scary thing to happen.
ION, the server has just decided to disable my user ID, so I can't get any work done. Great! Plus first snow of the spring, awww. Fucking A Great!
And by Great I mean ARGH!
{{{Hec and Emmett}}}
Nora, I feel your pain. Things need to let up for everyone, soon.
Poor, poor Emmett, but even more so, poor Hec! What a way to start the season. You guys will be in my thoughts, and all my nose~ma belongs to Emmett too.
I once went to a Cubs game with my mom and dad. Mom had gotten these great seats (first row balcony, near first base, I think) from work, and we were off to have a good time. About halfway through the game a foul ball took a nasty turn right into my mom's mouth. I had ducked, 'cause I thought the ball was coming right towards me. So, when I stood up, I saw my mom holding her face, crying and blood spurting everywhere. A few stitches and some plastic surgery later she's just fine, but boy, those balls can do some serious damage! Mom's still got the ball...the doctor from the ER signed it for her.
In mememe news, groceries have been delivered and put away. I have a headache and might go back to bed...but first, coffee.